2024 Fifth Annual Prophecy Conference

Declaring the End from the Beginning: God’s Prophetic Plan

You are invited to join us at Village Church in Dyer, IN for our fifth annual Bible Prophecy Conference on September 27-28. By studying about the God’s Prophetic Plan, we will uncover what the Bible teaches about how the Lord declares the End from the Beginning concerning the church, Israel, and the world at large.

Conference Speakers

Levi Hazen

  • Levi Hazen is the Executive Director of Life in Messiah, International. Originally established in 1887 as the Chicago Hebrew Mission, Life in Messiah diligently works to bring the gospel to the Jewish people and educate Christians about the Jewish roots of our faith and God’s ongoing plans for Israel. Levi is the host of The TŌV Podcast, a teaching ministry that brings a biblical view of Israel, eschatology, and ministry to Jewish people. He is also the author of God Israel and Bible Prophecy, a book that provides readers with a deeper understanding and greater appreciation of what God has in store for Israel and the Nations.

Olivier Melnick

  • Olivier Melnick is the Founder and Executive Director of Shalom in Messiah Ministries. He holds a B.A. from Moody Bible Institute and a master’s degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Olivier is the son of Holocaust survivors from France. He is an international speaker and authority on the topic of antisemitism and the author of seven books. 

    As an advocate against antisemitism in all of its forms, Shalom in Messiah seeks to educate and mobilize Christians to fight the longest hatred. We hope and pray that this endeavor will allow us to rebuild bridges between Christians and Jews.

  • Steve serves as the Lead Pastor at Village Church where he brings a unique love for teaching God's Word in a detailed and practical way. His passion is to "help people find their way back to God." Steve and his wife, Christa, have recently returned from their first trip to Israel.

Pastor Steve Miller

Gerad Hall

  • Gerad Hall serves with Moody Bible Institute as a Stewardship Representative and the Director of the Alumni Association Coaching Initiative. He serves on the board of directors for Life in Messiah. He provides itinerant preaching and leadership coaching throughout the Midwest. You can hear him on Moody Radio Quad Cities or on his podcast Hall Talk. Or you can join him on a tour of Israel or of the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Museum at the University of Chicago He completed his undergrad at Moody Bible Institute and his masters at Moody Theological Seminary. His wife, Melissa, and he have three sons, Blaise, Hudson, and Steele. In his free time he enjoys coaching 8th grade basketball.

David Barker

  • David is a Jewish believer who was born and raised in South Africa. Starting his education in Jewish Ministry at a conservative synagogue under an Orthodox Rabbi and Rebbetzin (his wife). It was there that his call to ministry was affirmed to actively reach Jewish people and equip the Church to understand God's plan for Israel. In 2015, he moved to Chicago to attend Moody Bible Institute and receive his degree in Jewish Studies to better equip his family for God's call on their lives. They now serve in Southeastern Florida which has the third largest Jewish population in the U.S. As a family, and faithful followers of Jesus they maintain their Jewish identity, encouraging all believers to fully understand their role as either Jew or Gentile in the body of Messiah and how to best serve in building the Kingdom through teaching, discipleship, and outreach.

  • JIM MELNICK has been with Life in Messiah International for more than 30 years as a field staff. He is also president of Friends of Russian Jewry, Inc. Jim and his wife Karen began their ministry working with Soviet Jewish immigrants in Chicago in the late 1970s. Jim later co-founded the first Russian language Messianic newspaper and became involved in many evangelical outreaches to the Jewish communities of New York City, as well as working with many different ministries in Israel over the years. He also currently chairs a ministry to both Israeli and Palestinian Christian leaders called the Jerusalem Gateway Partnership. He also serves as a board member of the Israel First Fruits ministry, which seeks to build up and encourage Israeli Messianic and Arab believer-entrepreneurs in Israel as they support their local congregations and churches. Jim served for nearly 12 years as the International Coordinator for the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE), stepping down from that role at the end of 2023. He is the author of Jewish Giftedness and World Redemption: The Calling of Israel (2017), published by Messianic Jewish Publishers. Jim holds two master’s degrees, one from Harvard University in Russian studies and the other from the U.S. Naval War College in national security studies. Jim studied under Dr. Louis Goldberg at Moody Bible Institute in Jewish studies and is currently completing a doctorate in biblical studies at Capital Seminary/Lancaster Bible College in the area of early Jewish Christianity.

    Jim and Karen have been married for 46 years. They have four grown children and three grandchildren and live in Virginia.

Jim Melnick

Registration is limited to 400 attendees and seating is first come, first served. Be sure to register early to reserve your spot!

Village Church of Dyer, 14849 W. 93rd Avenue, Dyer, IN 46311.

September 27-28, Friday & Saturday.

$10 Registration Fee, lunch included!


5:00 pm – Doors Open – Registration 5:45 pm – Worship
6:00 pm – Welcome 6:15 pm – Session #1 – Levi Hazen 7:00 pm – Break 7:15 pm – Session #2 – Olivier Melnick 8:00 pm – Q & A
8:15 pm – Worship 8:30 pm – Dismiss


8:00 am – Doors Open – Coffee Service
8:45 am – Worship 9:00 am – Session #3 – Jim Melnick 9:45 am – Short Video
10:00 am – Break 10:15 am – Session #4 – David Barker 11:00 am – Lunch 11:45 am – Session #5 – Gerad Hall 12:30 pm – Break 12:45 pm – Session #6 – Steve Miller
1:45 pm – Worship & Closing Remarks

Village Church will continue the theme of “Declaring the End from the Beginning: God’s Prophetic Plan” on Saturday evening 6pm and Sunday at 9 am and 11 am.

You are welcome to join us for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning services. Registration is not required for these times..

Register Now!

Registration includes lunch on Saturday. The minimum donation to register is $10. You are invited to select an amount more than $10, which will go towards Life in Messiah’s work among the Jewish people. These are critical times for the Jewish community and your gift will help us take a strong stand against antisemitism, teach a biblical worldview to a lost world, and share the gospel with Jewish people around the world. Learn more about our work around the globe by clicking here!

To give by check or cash, print this form and mail-in.