Armageddon: Stage Seven
Stage seven covers the Messiah's continued battle against the Antichrist and his hordes. From Bozrah to Jerusalem, there will be spilt blood.
Armageddon: Stage Six
The Return of the King is the focus of stage six! What is the location, manner and timing of the Lord's return?
Armageddon: Stage Five
As the antichrist attacks Jerusalem, the Jewish people cry out for a rescuer, but no nation is coming over the horizon to rescue them. They only have one place to turn. Levi Hazen explores the national regeneration of Israel.
Armageddon: Stage Four
Why are Jewish believers already outside the city of Jerusalem when the antichrist invades? Where are the Jewish believers at during this perilous time? What does the prophet Daniel have to say about this fourth stage? We answer these questions and more on this episode of The TŌV Podcast!
Armageddon: Stage Three
Levi Hazen continues his study of Armageddon in this part three by examining Zechariah 12 and the future invasion of Jerusalem by the antichrist and his armies.
Armageddon: Stage Two
What happens after the armies of the antichrist assemble in the Jezreel Valley? Levi Hazen explains the destruction that will come to a particular city as God's judgment is poured on it in the Tribulation Period.
Armageddon: Stage One
Many people have heard of Armageddon. But few people know what the details of this war are: Who is involved? Where does it take place? When will it take place? In this episode, Levi Hazen presents the first stage, the gathering of armies.
The Downfall of Damascus
The fall of Syria's tyrannical regime has left many wondering, "What's next?" Join Wes and Levi as they discuss both the immediate future of Damascus and its end-times fate according to Isaiah 17.
Why Satan Hates Israel: Part Three
One of the Enemy’s greatest successes has been persuading the church that God has rejected Israel. Levi explains where this view comes from and why it’s false.
Why Satan Hates Israel: Part Two
In part 2 of this series, Levi Hazen explains God's promises to preserve Israel and His instruction to proclaim His wonderful work!
Why Satan Hates Israel: Part One
There’s a reason the tiny nation of Israel receives so much attention from the world. There’s a reason antisemitism has thrived throughout history. The Enemy is opposed to the glory of God.
Roundtable: Is the New Testament for Jewish People?
Why is the New Testament taboo for Jewish people? In this podcast, we discuss why Jewish people are warned to stay away from the B’rit Chadashah.
Roundtable: Should Gentiles Share the Gospel With Jewish People?
What is the Gentile role in God’s plan for the world? Join this roundtable of Jewish and Gentile believers discussing Deuteronomy 32, Romans 11, and the Great Commission.
How do you treat Israel? Parable of the Sheep & Goats Explained
In Matthew 25:31–46, Jesus tells the parable of the sheep, who are accepted, and the goats, who are turned away. Enjoy a study of this parable and its implications for the end times.
The Timing of Messiah's Arrival [Part 3]
In the events foretold in Daniel 9, there’s a centuries-long gap between the Messiah’s first coming and the events of the 70thweek. In this third episode on Daniel 9, Levi Hazen unravels the details.
The Timing of Messiah's Arrival [Part 2]
With an understanding of the biblical Hebrew calendar and language, we can calculate the precise date of the Messiah’s first coming, as foretold in Daniel 9. Discover the accuracy of this prophecy in part two of this three part series!
The Timing of Messiah's Arrival [Part 1]
We’re not meant to understand Daniel 9, are we? It’s intentionally vague, right? Wrong! Levi provides three keys for interpreting Daniel 9 to determine the timing of Messiah’s first coming.
Beyond the Headlines: Stories from War-Torn Israel (Part 2)
Rejoin Levi and guests as they discuss Palestinian school curriculums, Israeli families living in hotels, and other insights from recent interviews in Israel.
Beyond the Headlines: Stories from War-Torn Israel (Part 1)
Three guests join Levi for a discussion about their recent trip to Israel, a country at war.
The Rapture Part II: The Timing
Pre-, Post-, Mid-Tribulation – with so many opinions about the timing of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation, which one do we choose? Levi Hazen turns to the Word to bring clarity to this question.