Testimony Steven Cauthen Testimony Steven Cauthen

Embracing the Ordinary

The church wasn’t always interested in the Great Commission. In this new episode, a story of one man’s dedication to missions challenges us to ask, “Does the Great Commission apply to me?”

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

The Cornerstone Prophecy Revealed

Psalm 118 is read each year during the Passover Seder. It discusses a Cornerstone that will be rejected by the builders. Examining the passage and other texts makes it clear that Psalm 118 is one of the most important of all prophetic texts.

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

What is the One New Man?

Ephesians 2 tells us that, prior to Messiah’s first coming, Gentiles were “separate” from Yeshua, “excluded” from Israel, and “strangers” to God’s promises. How does the gospel change things?

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

Who Is the True Israel?

What did Paul mean when he wrote, “For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel” (Rom. 9:6)? Host Levi Hazen explores the textual context to bring clarity to this passage.

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Israel Steven Cauthen Israel Steven Cauthen

The Necessity of Israel's Rebirth

Does God have anything to do with modern Israel? Today we explore this question and others as we conclude our series on the rebirth of Israel – and what the Bible has to say about it.

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Israel Steven Cauthen Israel Steven Cauthen

The Rebirth of Israel

In 1867, Mark Twain wrote of Israel, “[it] sits in sackcloth and ashes.” How did the Holy Land go on to become one of today’s top countries for economic investment? God might have something to do with it….

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Christian Living Steven Cauthen Christian Living Steven Cauthen

Biblical Conflict Resolution [Part 2]

Conflict is a fact of life, whether you avoid it at all costs or consider it the quickest route to resolving issues. It's important to approach relational conflict with a biblical mindset. Join Wes Taber for part two of a discussion on relational principles straight from the Bible.

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Christian Living Steven Cauthen Christian Living Steven Cauthen

Biblical Conflict Resolution [Part 1]

Conflict is inevitable. It's not a matter of if, but when. Whether we are in conflict with coworkers, neighbors, friends or family, dealing with conflict biblically is vitally important for thriving relationships. In the first of this two part series, Wes Taber lays out eight principles for success when in conflict.

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Interview Steven Cauthen Interview Steven Cauthen

Why do the Nations Rage?

In this live recording of The TŌV Podcast, guest Stephen Briggs discusses the moral, political, and religious antisemitism of the nations that provoked God’s judgement in the Minor Prophets.

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Current Events Steven Cauthen Current Events Steven Cauthen

Russia's Holy War

Former soviet affairs analyst, Jim Melnick, returns to discuss the rapidly unfolding situation in Ukraine. What is driving Putin, what are his next moves and how is all of this impacting Israel? We discuss all that and more on this episode of The TŌV Podcast.

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Jewish Culture Steven Cauthen Jewish Culture Steven Cauthen

What is Sukkot?

Yearly pilgrimages to Jerusalem, palm fronds, and synagogue services. Family meals under a thatched roof. Join us as we learn about Sukkot – yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

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Eschatology Steven Cauthen Eschatology Steven Cauthen

Messiah's Multifaceted Return

In Scripture, Zechariah inspired the people of Israel with confidence in the Messianic hope and God's ultimate plan for them: a spiritual and physical restoration.

Join us as we examine the Lord's coming, as described by Zechariah 14, and find confidence and hope in the Messiah's Multifaceted Return.

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