The Blackstone Memorial - 1891
Presented to the president of the United States in favor of the restoration of Palestine to the Jews.
What shall be done for the Russian Jews? It is both unwise and useless to undertake to dictate to Russia concerning her internal affairs. The Jews have lived as foreigners in her dominions for centuries and she fully believes that they are a burden upon her resources and prejudicial to the wellfare of her peasant population, and will not allow them to remain. She is determined that they must go. Hence, like the Sephardim of Spain, these Ashkenazim must emigrate. But where shall 2,000,000 of such poor people go? Europe is crowded and has no room for more peasant population. Shall they come to America? This will be a tremendous expense, and require years.
Why not give Palestine back to them again? According to God's distribution of nations it is their home, an inalienable possession from which they were expelled by force. Under their cultivation it was a remarkably fruitful land sustaining millions of Israelites who industrially tilled its hillsides and valleys. They were agriculturists and producers as well as a nation of great commercial importance – the center of civilization and religion.
Why shall not the powers which under the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, gave Bulgaria to the Bulgarians and Servia to the Servians now give Palestine back to the Jews? These provinces, as well as Roumania, Montenegro and Greece, were wrested from the Turks and given to their natural owners. Does not Palestine as rightfully belong to the Jews? It is said that rains are increasing and there are evidences that the land is recovering its ancient fertility. If they could have autonomy in government the Jews of the world would rally to transport and establish their suffering brethren in their time-honored habitation. For over seventeen centuries they have patiently waited for such an opportunity. They have not become agriculturists elsewhere because they believed they were mere sojourners in the various nations, and were yet to return to Palestine and till their own land. Whatever vested rights, by possession may have accrued to Turkey can be easily compensated, possibly by the Jews assuming an equitable portion of the national debt.
We believe this is an appropriate time for all nations and especially the Christian nations of Europe to show kindness to Israel. A million of exiles, by their terrible suffering, are piteously appealing to our sympathy, justice, and humanity Let us now restore to them the land of which they were so cruelly despoiled by our Roman ancestors.
To this end we respectfully petition His Excellency Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, and the Honorable James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, to use their good offices and influence with the Governments of their Imperial Majesties—
Alexander III, Czar of Russia;
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Empress of India;
William II, Emperor of Germany;
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austr-Hungary;
Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey;
His Royal Majesty, Humbert, King of Italy;
Her Royal Majesty Marie Christiana, Queen Regent of Spain;
and the Government of the Republic of France and with the Governments of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Roumainia, Servia, Bulgaria and Greece. To secure the holding at an early date, of an international conference to consider the condition of the Israelites and their claims to Palestine as their ancient home, and to promote, in all other just and proper ways, the alleviation of their suffering condition.
(Followed by approx. 400 additional signatures)
J. Medill, Chicago Tribune.
O. W. Nixon, The Inter-Ocean.
Victor Lawson, The Chicago Daily News.
Washington Hessing, Illinois Staats Zeitung Co.
H. J. Huiskamp, The Chicago Times.
Harry Wilkinson, The Chicago Daily Globe.
W. K. Sullivan, Chicago Evening Journal.
Richard Michaelis, Chicago Freie Presse.
James W. Scott, The Chicago Herald.
Arthur Edwards, Northwestern Christian Advocate.
W. C. Gray, The Interior, editor.
J. A. Smith, The Standard, editor.
James W. Scott, Chicago Evening Post.
Felix N. Gerson, Chicago Israelite.
Simeon Gilbert, The Advance.
F. G. Ensign, Record of Christian Work.
Julia A. Ames, The Union Signal, editor.
Matilda B. Carse, pres't., Women's Temperance Publication Ass'n.
Dewitt C. Cregier, Mayor, Chicago.
W. J. Onohan, Comptroller, Chicago.
James A. Sexton, Postmaster, Chicago.
John M. Clark, Collector of the Port.
Chris. Maurer, Collector of Internal Revenue, First District.
Isaac Clements, United States pension agent.
Frank Hitchcarp, United States marshal.
Benj. D. Magruder, Judge Supreme Court of Illinois.
R. W. Clifford, Judge Circuit Court, Illinois.
Henry Wulff, County Clerk.
O. H. Horton, Judge Circuit Court of Illinois.
C. C. Kohlsaat, Judge Probate Court.
H. W. Blodgett, United States District Judge.
Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice United States.
W. E. McLaren, Diocese of Chicago.
Gustavus Tuckerman, in charge St. James, Church.
Edward A. Larrabee, Rector Ascension Church.
Clinton Locke, Rector of Grace Church.
Chas. Edwd. Cheney, Bishop Synod of Chicago.
Edward P. Goodwin, Pastor First Congregational Church.
Chas. M. Morton, Pastor Railroad Chapel.
Edwin R. Davis, acting Pastor Morgan Park Presbyterian Church.
S. M. Merrill, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
M. Woolsey Stryker, Pastor Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago.
Charles A. Blanchard, President Wheaton College.
Herrick Johnson, McCormick Theological Seminary.
Thomas H. Skinner, McCormick Theological Seminary.
Edward L. Curtis, McCormick Theological Seminary.
John De Witt, McCormick Theological Seminary.
David C. Marquis, McCormick Theological Seminary.
Leroy G. Halsey, McCormick Theological Seminary.
Simon J. McPherson, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church.
J. L. Withrow, Pastor Third Presbyterian Church.
David R. Breed, Pastor Church of the Covenant.
David Swing, Pastor of Central Congregational Church.
Elwood M. Wherry, District Secretary of the American Tract Society.
Wm. P. Stowe, Agent Western Methodist Book Concern.
C. G. Trusdell, Presiding Elder Chicago District.
H. D. Kimball, Pastor Oak Park M. E. Church, Illinois.
Lucy Rider Meyer, Principal Chicago Tr. School for City Home and Foreign Missions.
H. W. Thomas, Pastor People's Church.
John O. Foster, Pastor Park Ridge M. E. Church, Illinois.
C. E. Mandeville, Pastor Englewood M. E. Church, Chicago.
Milton S. Terry, Professor in Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, IL.
Geo. B. Vosburgh, Pastor First Baptist Church, Elgin, Illinois.
C. Perren, Pastor Western Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago.
H. O. Roland, Pastor La Salle Avenue Baptist Church.
H. A. Delano, Pastor Evanston Baptist Church.
P. S. Henson, Pastor First Baptist Church, Chicago.
Myron W. Haynes, Pastor Englewood Baptist Church, Chicago.
H. H. Barbour, Pastor Englewood Baptist Church.
Moses Smith, Pastor Glencoe Congregational Church.
W. Nichols, Clergyman
Jno, H. Windsor, Pastor.
L. N. Stratton, Pastor, Waukegan.
Augustin Root, Boston, Mass.
John Ellis, Pastor, Maywood, Ill.
G. S. F. Savage, Chicago.
M. W. Montgomery, Chicago.
W. C. Stoudenmire, 560 Fifty-fifth Street, Chicago, Ill.
Edward D. Eaton, President Beloit College.
J. C. Myers, Pastor Congregational Church, Napierville.
John Mullen Williams
J. C. Cromer, Millard Avenue.
W. J. Cady, Douglas Park.
E. B. Weeks, River Grove.
J. C. Armstrong, 151 Washington Street.
P. W. Perry, Western Springs, Illinois.
J. M. Caldwell, Pastor S. P. Avenue M.E. Church
F. A. Noble, Pastor Union Park Cong. Church.
E. F. Williams, Pastor South Cong. Church.
Wilson Denney, Bethany Cong. Church.
W. H. Chandler, State Evangelist.
Geo. W. Colman, Park Ridge.
J. E. Bissell, Lake View Cong. Church.
Robert McIntyre, Grace M.E. Church.
J. W. Richards, Secretary Rock River Conference.
N. H. Axtell, Wesley Chapel.
H. G. Jackson, Marshfield Avenue M. E. Church.
J. H. Alling, Pastor M. E. Church, Evanston.
J. J. Tobias, Pastor Kenwood M. E. Church.
H. B. Ridgeway, President of Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois.
S. H. Swartz, Pastor St. Paul's M. E. Church.
S. J. Humphrey, District Secretary A. B. C. F. M.
A. N. Hitchcock, District Secretary A. B. C. F. M.
A. J. Canfield, Pastor St. Paul's Univ. Church.
Franklin W. Fiske, Chicago Theological Seminary.
Geo. N. Boardman, Chicago Theological Seminary.
Samuel Ives Curtiss, Chicago Theological Seminary.
G.B. Wilcox, Chicago Theological Seminary.
H. M. Scott, Chicago Theological Seminary.
Fridorf Risberg, Chicago Theological Seminary.
Alfred Anderson, Pastor Swedish M. E. Church, Evanston, IL.
N. O. Westergren, Pastor Humboldt Park Swedish M. E. Church.
C. O. Karlson, Pastor Third Swedish M. E. Church.
M. L. Wickman, Pastor of Pulman Swedish M. E. Church.
A. U. Soderstrom, Pastor of Swedish M. E. Church, Burlington.
K. H. Elmstrom, Pastor of Swedish M. E. Church, Chicago.
C. G. Nelson, Pastor of First M. E. Church, Chicago.
John Simpson, Pastor of Swedish M. E. Church, South Chicago.
C. Buncher, Detroit, Michigan.
C. C. Bonney, Counsellor, & c.
Sam'1 L. Nickerson, President First National Bank.
L. J. Gage, Vice-President First National Bank.
Jno. J. Mitchell, President Illinois T. and S. Bank.
Melville E. Stone, Vice-President Globe National Bank.
J. W. Doane, President Merchants' Loan and Trust Co.
Albert Keep, C. & N. W. Railway Company.
H. N. Higinbotham
Mrs. Nettie F. McCormick, 135 Rush Street.
Emmons Blaine
B. F. Jacobs, Chairman International S. S. Ex. Com.
Cyrus H. McCormick, President McCormick Harvester Machine Company.
Marvin Hughitt, President Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company.
James B. Hobbs, 97 Washington Street.
E. Mandel, 2960 Michigan Avenue.
Philip D. Armour
W. C. Goudy
Fred W. Peck
Potter Palmer
P. A. Feehan, Archbishop, Chicago.
P. J. Muldoon, Secretary, Chicago.
E. J. Dunne, Chicago.
ADDENDA. - Several petitioners wish it stated that the Jews have not become agriculturists because for centuries they were almost universally prohibited from owning or tilling land in the countries of their dispersion.
Isaac S. Moses, Rabbi of Cong'n Anshe Maarab.
A. J. G. Lesser, Rabbi Beth Hamdrash Hajadol U'bre Jacob.
Aron J. Messing, Rabbi Cong'n Bnay Sholom.
A. R. Levy, Rabbi Cong'n Bnai Abraham.
Liebman Adler, The retired Rabbi of Cong'n Kehelath Anshe Maarab.
B. Felsenthal, Retired Rabbi of Zion Congregation.
Joseph Stolz, Rabbi of Zion Congregation.
E. Rubovitz, 120 Randolph Street.
Julius Rosenthal, Attorney.
Simeon Straus, Attorney.
B. Lowenthal, President International Bank.
D.S. Greenbaum, 92 La Salle Street.
Henry Greenbaum, 92 La Salle Street.
Herman Felsenthal, 108 La Salle Street.
Jacob Dauch, Rabbi Beth El Congregation.
Chas. H. Taylor, The Daily Globe.
John H. Holmes, The Boston Herald.
W. W. Clapp, The Boston Journal.
A. E. Winship, The Daily Traveller.
F. B. Whitney, Boston Transcript.
Charles Parkhurst, Zion's Herald.
Joseph Cook, Our Day.
McDonald, Gill & Co., Christian Witness.
A. E. Dunning, The Congregationalist.
E. E. Strong, The Missionary Herald
J. N. Murdock, Baptist Missionary Magazine
John W. Olmstead, The Watchman
Roland B. Howard, The American Advocate of Peace
Wm. E. Russell, Governor of Massachusetts
N. Matthews, Jr., Mayor of Boston
Edwin A. Park, Andover Theological Seminary
M. J. Savage, Church of the Unity
Wm. Elliot Griffis, Shawmut Church
A. J. Gordon, Pastor of Clarendon Street Church
Joseph Cook of Washington, D. C.
J. Ellen Foster
Cyrus Hamlin, President of Robert College, Constantinople
Geo. M. Steele, Principal of Wesleyan Academy
D. L. Moody
E. K. Alden, Secretary A. B. C. F. M.
N. G. Clark, Secretary A. B. C. F. M.
Judson Smith, Secretary A. B. C. F. M.
Henry J. Patrick, Jr.
B. F. Hamilton
J. W. Wellman, Malden.
Arthur Little
J. N. Murdock, Secretary American Baptist Missionary Union.
A. C. Thompson, Pastor of the Eliot Church.
Sheldon Jackson, Alaska.
Fred L. Ames.
Alfred S. Woodworth
Daniel Richards
W. O. Grover
Eustace C. Fitz
A. Shuman
Israel Cohen
Samuel Johnson
Raphael Lasker, Rabbi Temple Ohahei Sholom.
Isaac Rasnosky, President Temple Ohahei Sholom.
New York
Geo. Jones, The Times
Elliott F. Shepard, The Mail and Express
Geo. Hepworth, Editorial writer on the New York Herald
Jas. Phillips, Jr., The Press.
Harold Godwin, The Commercial Advertiser.
Oswald Ottendorfer, New York Staats Zeitung.
W. S. Brown, proprietor, New York Daily News.
The New York World, The Chairman of the Executive Board.
Lyman Abbott, The Christian Union.
Edward Bright, The Examiner.
Henry C. Bowen, The Independent.
Lucien Clark, The Christian Advocate.
Henry M. Field, The New York Evangelist.
Charles August Stoddard, The New York Observer.
Geo. S. Mallory, The Churchman.
Wm. S. Langford, The Spirit of Missions.
Arthur T. Pierson, Missionary Review of the World.
Eugene R. Smith, Gospel in All Lands.
Philip Cowen, The American Hebrew.
J. P. Solomon, The Hebrew Standard.
Moritz Ellinger, The Menorah Monthly.
Louis Klopsch, The Christian Herald.
Rev. Asbury Lowrey, Divine Life.
J. W. Mendenhall, The Methodist Review.
Geo. W. Curtis, Editor Harpers' Weekly.
Alex'r Mackay Smith, Archdeacon in Diocese of New York.
David H. Greer, Rector of St. Bartholomew's Church.
W. R. Huntington, Rector of Grace Church.
W. S. Rainsford, Rector of St. George's Church.
John W. Brown, Rector of St. Thomas' Church.
Morgan Dix, Rector of Trinity Church.
Edward Walpole Warren, Rector of Holy Trinity Church
W. H. P. Faunce, Pastor Fifth Avenue Baptist Church.
C. H. Parkhurst, Pastor Madison Square Presbyterian Church.
John R. Paxton, Pastor Western Presbyterian Church.
Robert Collyer, Minister of the Church of the Messiah.
T. De Witt Talmage, Brooklyn Tabernacle.
C. C. McCabe, Corresponding Sec. Miss. Soc. of M. E. Church.
A. B. Leonard, Corresponding Sec. Miss. Soc. of M. E. Church.
J. O. Peck, Corresponding Sec. Miss. Soc. of M. E. Church.
J. M. Reid, Hon. Sec. of Miss. Soc. M.E. Church.
S. L. Baldwin, Recording Secretary Miss. Soc. of M. E. Church.
John Hall, Minister Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church.
Wm. J. Palmer, Presiding elder New York Conference.
Alfred Coons, Presiding elder New York Conference.
Arthur Mitchell
F. F. Ellingwood
Jno. Gillespie
Howard Crosby, Pastor Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church.
Wm. M. Taylor, Pastor Broadway Tabernacle.
Samuel McBride, Pastor Centennial Baptist Church, Brooklyn.
Ensign McChesney, Pastor of Madison Avenue M. E. Church.
R. S. MacArthur, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church.
Edward G. Andrews, Bishop Methodist Episcopal Church.
H. Kendall, Secretary Board of Home Missions, Presbyterian.
Dr. K. Kohler, Rabbi Temple Beth-El.
H. Pereira Mendes, Minister of the Sephardim Congregation, Secretary New York Br. Alliance Israelite Universell.
Bernhard Drachman, Rabbi Congregation Zichron Ephraim.
F. de Sola Mendes, Rabbi Congregation Shaarag Tefila, Secretary Jewish Ministers Association of America.
Henry S. Jacobs, D. D., Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Chairman of New York Board of Jewish Ministers, Vice President New York Branch of the Alliance Israelite.
Richard S. Storrs, Pastor Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn.
Wm. S. Langford, Clergyman of the Episcopal Church.
Joshua Kimber, Presbyter Protestant Episcopal Church.
A. S. Hunt, Minister of the M. E. Church.
Josiah Strong, General Secretary Evangelical Alliance for the U. S.
Alex. McLean
Edward W. Gilman , Corresponding Secretary American Bible Soc.
M. D. C. Crawford, 129 West Eighty-Second Street.
C. S. Harrover, 60 Seventh Avenue.
Geo. H. McGrew, Pastor St. Paul's M. E. Church.
J. E. Price
Abbott E. Kittredge, Pastor Madison Avenue Reformed Church.
Philip Schaff, Union Theological Seminary.
Thos. S. Hastings, Union Theological Seminary.
A. F. Schauffler, New York City Missions.
Charles F. Deems, Church of the Strangers.
Hugh J. Grant, Mayor New York City.
W. H. Clapp, Corporation Counsel, New York city.
Chauncey M. Depew, Grand Central Depot.
Daniel F. Hoag, American Savings Bank.
J. Paton, 52 William Street.
J. Pierpont Morgan, 219 Madison avenue.
Wm. E. Dodge, 262 Madison Avenue.
H. Walter Webb, 15 West Forty-seventh Street.
Frank Loomis, Grand Central Depot.
Cyrus W. Field, 123 East Twenty-first Street.
John D. Rockefeller, 26 Broadway.
Wm. Rockefeller, 26 Broadway.
Russel Sage, 71 Broadway.
John A. Stewart, 45 Wall Street.
Thos. Hillhouse, 39 Wall Street.
R. T. Auchmuty, 61 University Place.
Charles Scribner, 745 Broadway.
J. Henry Harper, Franklin Square.
James C. Fargo, 65 Broadway.
Jesse Seligman, Broad Street.
A. S. Solomons, President N.Y. Branch Alliance Israelite Universelle.
Myer S. Isaacs, 115 Broadway.
Geo. B. Forrester, Brooklyn.
Darwin R. James, 123 Maiden Lane.
Francis E. Dodge, 86 William Street.
Geo. W. Banker, 1 Pratt Street.
Henry G. Marquand, 11 East 68th Street.
J. R. Hutton, Columbia College.
John S. Bussing, 26 East 10th Street.
Joseph Blumenthal, 151 East 73rd Street.
Dan'1 W. McWilliams, 71 Broadway.
Hamilton W. Mabie, 30 Lafayette Place.
William B. Howland, 30 Lafayette Place.
Frank R. Chambers, 569 Broadway.
Myer Stern, 30 Bible House.
L. Kohns, of the firm of L. Strauss & Sons.
Gibson, Peacock & Co., The Evening Bulletin.
H. L. Wayland, The National Baptist
H. Clay Trumbull, The Sunday School Times.
Collins & Cooley, by D. W. Collins, The Christian Instructor.
Samuel Ashhurst, The Episcopal Recorder.
T. P. Stevenson, editor, The Christian Statesman.
W. B. French, The Standard of the Cross and the Church.
E. I. D. Pepper, The Christian Standard.
Howard M. Jenkins, Friends' Intelligencer and Journal.
R. M. Patterson, The Presbyterian Journal.
G. W. Frederick, The Lutheran.
Charles Hoffman, The Jewish Exponent.
Geo. W. Childs, Philadelphia Ledger.
Thos. Wright, Philadelphia Record.
A. K. McClure, Philadelphia Times.
R. J. Cook, The Philadelphia Press.
James Elverson, Jr., The Philadelphia Enquirer.
Clayton McMichael, The North American.
R. W. Bryant, The Daily News.
Fitzgerald & Sons, The Item.
Geo. D. Herbert, The Evening Herald.
John Blakely, The Evening Star.
Dr. E. Morwitz, & J. Morwitz, Philadelphia Democrat.
Chas. J. Young, pub., Philadelphia Volksblatt.
Chas. E. Warburton, Evening Telegraph.
O. W. Whitaker, Bishop of diocese of Pennsylvania.
Joseph N. Blanchard, Rector St. James Church.
W. N. McVickar, Rector of Holy Trinity Church.
Wm. R. Nicholson, Bishop of New York and Philadelphia Synod.
Thomas A. Hoyt, Pastor of Chambers Presbyterian Church.
A. J. Kynett, Corresponding Secretary Board of Church Extension M.E. Church and editor of Christianity in Earnest.
S. A. Mutchmore, Editor and proprietor of the Presbyterian.
Cyrus D. Foss, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
S. W. Thomas, Presiding Elder of North Philadelphia district.
M. Jastrow, Ph. D., Rabbi Cong. Rodef Shalom.
Jas. Hepburn Hargis, Presiding Elder West Philadelphia district.
John S. James McConnell, Recording Secretary Board of Church Extension M. E. Church.
Jas. Long
E. K. Lanng, Pastor Grace M. E. Church.
J. T. Meredith, Presiding Elder of Northwest Philadelphia district.
T. B. Neely, Presiding Elder M.E. Church.
Wm. Swindells, Pastor Kensington M. E. Church.
Jno. MacIntosh, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church.
Robert C. Matlock, Sec'y of Education Protestant Episcopal Church.
Charles A. Dickey, Pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church.
P. J. Ryan, Archbishop of Philadelphia.
Ignatius F. Horstman, Chancellor of Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Professional and Businessmen
Edwin H. Fitler, Mayor of Philadelphia.
John Field, Postmaster.
William Pepper, Provost of University of Pennsylvania.
Lemuel Coffin, 1910 Spruce Street.
Geo. C. Thomas, Chestnut and Fifth Streets.
Mayer Sulzberger, Chestnut and Sixth Streets.
Simon Muher, 629 Chestnut Street.
Wm. B. Hackenburg, 25 North Third Street.
I. G. Rosengarten, 532 Walnut Street.
Alex. Brown, Nineteenth and Walnut Streets.
Simon A. Stern, 135 South Fourth Street.
B. B. Comegys, 423 Chestnut Street.
Felix Agnus, Baltimore American.
James R. Brewer, Baltimore Daily News.
Edward Raise, German Correspondent.
A. Bechofer, Proprietor, Baltimore Herald.
C. M. Purdy, Managing Ed., The World.
T. A. Connelly, The Catholic Mirror.
E. J. Drinkhouse, The Methodist Protestant.
Augustus Davidson, The Episcopal Methodist.
W. Maslin Frysinger, Baltimore Methodist.
L. M. Cross, Baltimore Baptist.
Robert C. Davidson, Mayor of Baltimore.
J. Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore.
Rev. Jno. T. Whelan
I. B. B. Hodges, Rector St. Paul's Parish.
Frank Hatton, The Washington Post.
Richard Weightman, The Washington Critic.
S. H. Kauffman, president, The Evening Star.
T. B. Reed, Speaker House of Representatives.
Robert R. Hitt, Chairman House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
R. Q. Mills, M. C., Texas. (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
Wm. S. Holman, M. C., Indiana. (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
Wm. McKinley, M. C., Ohio. (MEMBER OF CONGRESS) (Pres. 1897-01)
Nathan Frank, M. C., Missouri. (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
Wm. W. Morrow, M. C., California (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
Wm. Vandever, M. C., California (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
Edward McPherson, Clerk House of Representatives.
J. W. Douglass, President Board of Commissioners, D. C.
Simon Wolf
(Additional if any, names by telegraph can be inserted here)
S. E. Payne, M. C., New York. (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
John Dalzell, M. C., Pennsylvania. (MEMBER OF CONGRESS)
G. H. Corey, Pastor Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church.
Louis Stern, Minister Washington Hebrew Cong.
Tunis S. Hamlin, Pastor Covenant Presbyterian Church.
John F. Hurst, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Respectfully presented by Wm. E. Blackstone, chairman of the Conference of Christians and Jews lately held in Chicago.
Washington, D. C., March 5 1891.
To His Excellency
President of the United States,
Secretary of State.
In presenting the Memorial asking your good offices with the Governments of Europe for an international Conference in behalf of the Russian Jews, the undersigned begs to state that he has not sought for a multitude of signatures, but only representative names, and the cordial endorsement which the Memorial has received, gives assurance that the signatures could be indefinitely multiplied.
That the Memorial is really an outgrowth of the Conference between Christians and Jews recently held in Chicago.
That it was not deemed wise to hold further public meetings, or in any way, protest against the course being pursued by the Russian Government, and that therefore he undertook the task of presenting the Memorial personally to the signers.
That he is peculiarly gratified to find the plan proposed, commended by most eminent Jewish and Christian individuals, after carefully scrutinizing it in all its bearings.
That he spent several weeks in Palestine and Syria in 1889 and has somewhat carefully studied the conditions of the Jews there and in Europe and in America, and that he believes the project of restoring the autonomy of government of Palestine to them to be both feasible and politic.
That while a very few, of what are termed ultra radical, reformed, Jewish Rabbis have renounced their belief in ancient Scriptures, and openly proclaim that the Jews should amalgamate with the various nations, wherein they are scattered, the great body of the Jews, both clergy and laity, still cling to their time honored hopes of national restoration and will quickly respond to any such opportunity with abundant energy, means, and enthusiasm.
That the land of Palestine is capable of remarkable development, both agriculturally and commercially. Its geographical situation, as the half way house between Europe and Asia, is unequaled. That the Railroad now building from Joppa to Jerusalem, if extended via Damascus, Tadmor and the Euphrates valley, could not fail to become an international highway.
That while the Turkish government has lately shown some improvement, and has fostered the building of excellent common roads and given greater freedom for the activity of foreigners, still it is marvelously behind the times in which we live, and no great development can be expected under it.
That in support of this statement he would mention the unreasonable tax upon olive trees, and also the fanaticism which, because of a little cemetery on the shore at Joppa, prevents the excavating and dredging out of the ancient remarkable harbor, so greatly needed for commercial purposes.
That all the great European powers are jealous of each other's influence in, or possible occupation of, Palestine, and that this favors the giving of it to such an energetic small nation as the Jews under international guarantees and protection.
That the powers have already taken somewhat similar action by the appointment of a Christian governor over the Lebanon district of Syria.
That the poverty of the Turkish Government, makes the possible funding of a portion of the National debt by rich Jewish bankers, an important factor in the case.
That the unsettled indemnity claimed by Russia against Turkey is another significant item, which may be favorably used to promote the accomplishment of this plan.
That all the European nations sympathizing with the sad condition of the Jews in Russia, and yet not wishing them to be crowded into their own countries, will, he believes, cheerfully assent to this restoration to Palestine as the most natural alternative.
That he has special reasons for believing such sentiment already prevails, to a large extent, in Great Britain, and it seems to appeal to all classes of Christians as a magnificent humanitarian movement.
That only peaceable diplomatic negotiation is necessary, he believes, to accomplish the object, and that all private ownership of land and property should be carefully respected and protected.
That being on such friendly terms with Russia and having no complications in the Orient, it is most fitting and hopeful that our government should initiate this movement.
That there seem to be many evidences to show that we have reached the period in the great roll of the centuries, when the ever-living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is lifting up His hand to the Gentiles, (Isa. 49:22) to bring His sons and His daughters from far, that he may plant them again in their own land, Ezk. 34), &c. Not for twenty-four centuries, since the days of Cyrus, King of Persia, has there been offered to any mortal such a privileged opportunity to further the purposes of God concerning His ancient people,
May it be the high privilege of your Excellency, and the Honorable Secretary, to take a personal interest in this great matter, and secure through the Conference, a home for these wandering millions of Israel, and thereby receive to yourselves the promise of Him, who said to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee,” Gen. 12:3.
Most Respectfully,
Your humble servant,

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God’s Little Errand Boy
“Always aware of God-given responsibilities and resources, he wanted to serve God in a way that counted for eternity.” This is the story of William E. Blackstone, the man who founded Life in Messiah in 1887.
The Forgotten Founder
In this special episode of The TŌV Podcast, Levi Hazen provides an overview of the life and legacy of a man whose work impacted the lives of many – but whose story is only known to a few.