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Phone: 708.418.0020
Email: office@lifeinmessiah.org
Address: P.O. Box 5470, Lansing, IL 60438-5470 USA
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We are a US-based ministry with staff on 23 fields in eight different countries. Our focus is sharing the gospel, teaching the Bible and equipping the church. We were founded by William E. Blackstone in 1887 as the Chicago Hebrew Mission and have remained committed to sharing the gospel with Jewish people for our entire history.
You can read our full Articles of Belief at https://www.lifeinmessiah.org/articles-of-belief.
Life in Messiah is incorporated in three countries and has staff serving in eight different countries. These include: Argentina, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, and the United States.
We are a ministry of Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus who are dedicated to bringing the gospel to unsaved Jewish people.
“Jewish ministry” is a term used to describe the work of sharing the gospel with the Jewish community around the world. This ministry includes prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and the creation of resources to educate and equip the church.
Absolutely! Jesus said, “…Believe in God, believe also in Me. …I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:1, 6). Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary annulled the sacrificial system and opened salvation to all who confess that Jesus is the Son of God. Just like Gentiles, it is only through belief in the Jewish Messiah that the Jewish people can be saved.
Absolutely! Our 990 form is available to the public for viewing. Just write to us at office@lifeinmessiah.org to request a copy of the previous year’s statement. We are happy to report that 86% of all donations go directly toward ministry and outreach. This is well-above the 60%–70% average.
Life in Messiah believes the Law of Moses (Mosaic Covenant) is good and holy (Romans 7:12). The Law was instituted by God and given to the nation of Israel. But the Law of Moses was a temporary and conditional covenant. Now, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, has instituted a New Covenant. Today, believers are no longer subject to the Law of Moses. Believers have the freedom to celebrate as much or as little of the Law as they would like, but believers are not obligated to keep or adhere to any aspects of the Law of Moses. To learn more about our position, listen to our podcast titled “Distinctions Between the Covenants.”
Life in Messiah rejects the doctrine of replacement theology (supersessionism). We believe that God is faithful to all of His promises, and that includes those made to the Jewish people concerning their land and their future.
Contact our Ontario-based team to learn about Jewish ministry in Canada.
Phone: 905.235.3717
Email: info@lifeinmessiah.ca
Address: 190 Mulock Dr. P.O. Box 251 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X1 Canada
Contact our Hong Kong team to learn more about Jewish ministry in Asia.
Phone: 852.5974.1868
Email: info@lifeinmessiah.hk
Address: P.O. Box. 71155, Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong