A Cup Of Conviction

As a hostel volunteer in a warm climate in winter, I meet people from all over the world. *Simon was a local.

God used Simon to teach me a lesson that helps me to this day.

[The best lessons are often the difficult ones.]

Simon came daily to the hostel. For hours he drank free coffee meant for the guests. He sat among them, filling the air with strange theories.

One day as I was serving alone, my patience wore thin. Each time I passed the shaded area where guests sat, talked, or read I spied Simon – drinking another cup of coffee.

My stiff body language and side glances did not go unnoticed by Simon. As I again passed the sitting area heading to another task, Simon looked directly at me. “Do you know what your problem is?”

That did it!

I froze, then spun around and headed straight for Simon.

Oh, the chutzpah!

Me, my problem?

I practically threw myself on a sofa a few feet away, then faced Simon directly.

Before I could open my mouth, Simon said in an even tone, “Your problem is that you are jealous of *Jim.” [Jim owns the hostel and ministry.]

The pent-up frustration I had for Simon threatened to boil over. Then something amazing happened that I attribute to God’s Spirit.

I didn’t protest, deny or accuse. Instead, I gave Simon my full attention.

“What do you mean by that?”

Simon explained that my jealousy was because I was not like Jim. I was not as gracious and giving. That’s why it bothered me when he came every day to sit and drink free coffee.

I felt as if a knife struck my conscience.

Simon continued, “Jim knows I come here every day and it doesn’t bother him. But it bothers you, because you can’t let it go.”

Words came out of my mouth that, as I reflected later, resulted from the Holy Spirit’s ongoing shaping in my life as He files the rough edges.

“Simon, you’re right. I never would have thought that. But I guess I am jealous because it does bother me, and I wish it didn’t.”

With those words a heavy load lifted from me. My body relaxed, my eyes softened. I saw Simon as I hadn’t in a long time: a broken human being in need of our Savior. A fellow human trying to navigate life without knowing God.

Simon searched my eyes. Smiling, he said, “Thanks for your honesty. You’re all right you know.”

I thanked him for his brutally accurate and direct words. I apologized for the feelings I had against him.

Whenever I saw Simon thereafter, I prayed for him. I thanked the Lord for opening my eyes to an area in my life that needed to change.

A Swiss author wrote, “Jealousy is the fear of comparison.”

This proved true with me. But God used a needed reproof from an unexpected source to help me change.

God says this in Proverbs 3:12:

For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

Written by Jeff, LIFE staff member

*Pseudonyms used to protect identities.

What about you?

Is the Lord using a “Simon” in your life to conform you more into the image of His Son?

Or would you like to be able to truly call God your father? If so, we would love to talk with you about knowing Jesus, the only way to the Father.1

You can contact us HERE.


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