A Seasonal Tension Resolved


The Christmas season presents a challenge in Messianic congregations. Some members are passionate about celebrating Messiah’s birth on December 25th and some are passionate about NOT celebrating Messiah’s birth on December 25th.

As a new Jewish believer in Messiah, I was passionate about “NOT celebrating.” I took pride in not having a Christmas tree and “celebrating” December 25th by going to the movies and eating Chinese food.

Why? In my mind, Christmas and its goyishe (Gentile) trappings tragically concealed the inherently Jewish reality of Jesus’ birth.

Others in our congregation were equally passionate about celebrating Messiah’s birth on December 25th. Why? For them, Christmas trees, exchanging gifts, sharing meals, singing carols…all are joyous obligations marking Jesus’ birth.

The irony of this “I love Christmas” and “I hate Christmas” divide is that both attitudes blind us to what is true.

Those passionately committed to “NOT DOING” lose sight of the fact that, at Christmas time, millions of non-Jews are singing about and worshipping the most famous Jew ever born, Jesus!

Likewise, those passionately “DOING” the traditions surrounding Christmas lose sight of the fact that the Jewishness of Jesus and the circumstances of His birth are not happenstance, but essential in God’s plan to free creation from the fall.

Both truths should be celebrated at this time of year.

Life in Messiah exists to help people on both sides of this divide see and rejoice in what is true, especially at this time of year.  No matter on which side of the “DOING/NOT DOING” divide we stand, we can unite in our passion for the truth: Messiah Jesus, our King, was conceived by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit in Hebrew), born of the virgin Miriam (Mary’s Hebrew name) among His people Yisrael (Israel), in David’s home town of Beit’lechem (Bethlehem, meaning House of Bread), and was given the name Yeshua (Jesus, meaning salvation) because He would save His people from their sins…the Jew first and also for the Gentile (Romans 1:16). This is worth celebrating and shouting from the housetops every day of the year.

“Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-32).

Written by Dan, Life in Messiah Board Chair

  1. Where do you fall in the “DOING/NOT DOING” divide? Or is this your first time hearing about it?

  2. What kind of traditions could you incorporate to ensure that Christmas is a worshipful time and a reminder that “born is the King of ISRAEL?”

  3. Consider thanking a Jewish friend at this time of year for the spiritual blessings you have received through the Jewish people – most especially for the Redeemer promised to Israel – Messiah Yeshua.


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