Divine Cravings: Fasting and Intercession in the Story of Esther


Have you ever felt an inexplicable longing for a fast? It’s a craving that transcends the desire for mental clarity or answers to heartfelt prayers. It’s more profound – an innate yearning for holy solace and a deeper connection with the Almighty.

Let’s be real: I’m not exactly eager for the gnawing emptiness in my stomach or the headache that often accompanies a fast. My flesh absolutely despises it!

Yet, there’s a deep-seated truth within me that recognizes when a fast is necessary. I can’t help but wonder if Esther experienced a similar urgency when she received the harrowing news of her people’s impending annihilation. Her own kinsmen, on the brink of destruction. A fast was the most natural response to such news.

The book of Esther has always intrigued me. Interestingly, it was absent from the fragments of scrolls found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and astonishingly, the name of God is never mentioned within its pages. Perhaps that’s why I feel a unique connection to this narrative. God’s unseen presence seems to linger at the edges of the pages, quietly faithful to His covenant promises to Esther and the people of Israel.

Throughout the narrative, Esther embodies the role of an intercessor, much like Moses, who fervently pleaded on behalf of the Israelites. My heart resonates with the intercessor's mission, understanding the weight of standing in the gap for others.

As a Gentile, I find profound significance in the conclusion of Esther’s story, where God’s covenant love is revealed through the deliverance of His people, showcasing His desire for all nations to recognize Him as the one true and living God. Isaiah speaks of those who have yet to know Him running to Him, and I count myself among those who have encountered the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – the God of the universe – who extends His love to all who trust in His Messiah. I am so grateful to be a part of this beautiful, diverse, eternal family of God by faith (Romans 4:1–3).

When I delve into the book of Esther, I love the foreshadowing and typology that enrich the text. These subtle hints point me to the person of Jesus. Just as Esther served as a mediator of deliverance for her people, Jesus took on a similar role for us all (1 Timothy 2:5).

Both Esther and Jesus found themselves in the posture of intercession before the living God. Esther embarked on a three-day fast, abstaining from food and water in a kind of death to the flesh while focused on the spiritual battle for the Jewish people. Upon the completion of her fast, her affliction ended on the third day (Esther 5:1). She rose, adorned in royal garments, and approached the king to intercede for her people. Her boldness resulted in salvation for Israel, and many Gentiles turned to faith in the true God of Israel, becoming one people under Him (Esther 8:17).

In a parallel narrative, Jesus also endured a three-day period of death, beginning with His crucifixion and burial. His affliction ended on the third day when He rose to life, presenting Himself before the very throne of God in His resurrected glory. Jesus entered the true Holy of Holies in heaven, accepted into God’s presence, where He now sits at His right hand. This momentous act secured salvation not only for His people, Israel, but also for the Gentiles among the nations who turned to the living God.

As I reflect on these profound connections, I am reminded of the power of fasting and intercession in our spiritual journeys. The nation of Israel and its ravaged people tug on my soul even now for a fast. I know the Lord is leading.

It is in these sacred moments of divine invitation that we find ourselves drawn closer to the heart of God, becoming vessels of His love and grace for a world in desperate need of hope. So, the next time you feel that inexplicable craving for a fast, embrace it. You may just find yourself stepping into a divine encounter that transforms not only your life but the lives of those around you. It is the church’s time to have an Esther moment – to be the intercessor who goes before the King of heaven in petition for the Jewish people. They are surrounded by enemies on every side. May He grant deliverance, physically and spiritually.

Is this not the fast that I choose:
To release the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the ropes of the yoke,
And to let the oppressed go free,
And break every yoke? (Isaiah 58:6)

“Yet even now,” declares the LORD,
“Return to Me with all your heart,
And with fasting, weeping, and mourning;
And tear your heart and not merely your garments.”
Return to the LORD your God,
For He is gracious and compassionate,
Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy
And relenting of catastrophe.
Who knows, He might turn and relent,
And leave a blessing behind Him,
Resulting in a grain offering and a drink offering
For the LORD your God.
Blow a trumpet in Zion;
Consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly,
Gather the people … (Joel 2:12–16).

Written by Kori, Life in Messiah staff

  1. Have you ever fasted to intentionally seek the Lord? What prompted you to undertake a fast? What did you abstain from, and how was your experience?

  2. Since the rise of the smartphone and social media, some have seen the need to participate in a media fast – disengaging from electronic devices for a period of time. Is this something you would consider? What could be the benefits or drawbacks?

  3. As the situation in Israel remains dire and antisemitism persists, our Jewish friends need prayerful intercession. Thank you for praying with us for the peace of Jerusalem, for the protection of the Jewish people, and for their salvation (Psalm 122:6; Psalm 121; Romans 11:5)! Check out this page on ways to pray and take action.


No “Thank You” Needed


Gaining God’s Heart for Israel: A Personal Journey