Forget the Wreath; Give Me the Vine

Please allow me to point out the obvious: your radio is playing redundant holiday songs. Your television is promoting deals you must have.

Commercialism is overwhelming your senses. You are already feeling the need for some space.

Cyber Monday now lasts from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Black Friday starts on a Monday. If everyone is now shopping online, why am I sitting in so much traffic?

Why are so many cookies staring at me everyday, everywhere?  

[Pause. Deep breath.]

I hear you. I get it.

If you are like me, certain parts of the holiday season are absolutely loved and hated at the same time. Like those cookies, for example.

With the endless onslaught of advertising, family gatherings, work Christmas parties and the puzzle of trying to buy the perfect gift for everyone, how do you nourish your own soul?

Attention: someone needs some TLC this holiday season. You.

It’s a noble thing to care so much for others during this time of the year. But can we do that well without caring for ourselves?

What does the Bible tell us about nourishing our own soul?

Is it about “me time?”  

“Alone time?”

“Family time?”

Actually, the Bible teaches that nourishment of our souls, spiritual self care, is about “vine time.”

In John 15:1-8 Jesus teaches the principle of vine time. “If anyone does not remain in me, he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers.” [1]

What a sad picture!  No one likes to see a branch or flower that’s withered. We like to see plants with life flowing through them. We plant gardens and build walkways so we can smell pleasant aromas and behold different colors. We adore living things, not withering things.

The vine principle is simple: If you want to nourish your soul this holiday season and prevent “withering,” spend time connected to the True Vine, Jesus.

The moment you sense yourself beginning to wither, run to Him. Abide in Him. Walk in Him. Worship Him. Sit with Him. Learn from Him. Rest in Him.

Afterward, walk in the peace and joy He provides. Then you will have the best holiday season possible.

May your holiday season be full of “vine time.”

Written by Kori, LIFE Staff

Jesus intentionally took time away from a full schedule and following throngs to spend time alone with His Father.

What have you found works for you to maintain sanity and be spiritually nourished in The True Vine?


[1]John 15:8; emphasis mine.


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