A Great Gift from Small Faith

The day was beautiful, not a cloud in the crisp clear blue sky.

I sat enjoying the warmth as I read. The background noise from the city was easily ignored. A voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Hello, sorry to interrupt; is that a Bible you are reading?”

I looked up. The question came from a young man, likely in his mid- to late-twenties, sitting quietly on a nearby bench. He smiled as I told him, “Yes, it is. Do you read the Bible?”

“Not very often – but I know I should,” was his response.

Soon we were in a warm discussion as he was eager to talk. I found out he was the son of an Orthodox rabbi but that he himself was currently “off the path.” He explained he only practiced his faith when around his father and family. Living on his own now, he found it difficult to live religiously because, “I do not know if I really even believe in God.”

Time seemed to fly by and stand still at the same time. Whether it was an hour or two hours, I only know that our discussion seemed divinely appointed.

My new acquaintance asked me, “What religion are you, a Christian?”

I replied that I preferred to call my myself a follower of Jesus or a believer in Jesus. This caught his attention as he questioned, “Why?”

What followed was not only a discussion on the sad bloody history of the persecution of Jewish people by Christians through European history,[1]  but also my love for Israel, the Jewish people and, for all people to come to know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

I grew excited as I talked about the truth and God’s plan as revealed in the Hebrew Bible. Starting with creation and the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the pictures of the future painted through the patriarchs and prophets of Israel,[2] and the promises especially of a prophet like Moses,[3] a special Servant [4] and the One called God’s Son.[5]

After quite some time he stated, “I have never looked at the Tanakh or Torah like you are talking about. For me it was just part of my religion, but you really believe it, know it, and study with joy it seems. The things you are showing in my Bible I never saw or knew were there.”

He then added, “What you say really makes sense and I can understand how you can believe Jesus is the Messiah. I wish I could have the kind of faith you have.”

I told him I did not have great faith, but I had simply received a great gift with a small faith.[6] God could and would do the same for him if he was willing to receive the gift.

The following day I went to the same place I had been sitting the day before and once again, this young man was sitting where he had been the previous day. We greeted one another warmly.

He immediately began telling me he had read some of the passages in the Tanakh of which I had spoken.[7] He had difficulty believing that the rabbis, like his father, did not see what he saw. So there had to be more to it, he thought. Turns out he had never really studied the Bible but rather the Oral Law.

Before he left to go onto other business, I challenged him: “I am certain God gave us the Scriptures to read, study and, understand on our own, not just what religious leaders say they mean. He communicates the truth to us individually as we learn how to study… so, please keep on reading. My challenge is for you to ask God to show you He is real; and if Jesus is the promised Messiah that He will reveal to you that you can also receive the gift He wants to give you: your wish of greater faith!”

Written by Jeff, LIFE staff

What about you, do you have questions regarding Jesus and how the Torah clearly points to Him?

We would love to talk to you about the many passages in the Scriptures that challenged this young man. If you have a wish like this man, God wants to grant it!

Will you ask Him your questions today?


[1] An excellent book on this is: A Legacy of Hatred by David Rausch. Also Our Hands are Stained with Blood by Michael Brown.

[2] Genesis 3:1-24; 4:1-7; 22:1-18; 49:10; 50:15-21.

[3] Deuteronomy 18:15.

[4] Isaiah 42:1-9; 49:1-8.

[5] Psalm 2:1-12; Proverbs 30:1-5; Genesis 22:2; John 3:16; Isaiah 9:6-7.

[6] Luke 17:6; Ephesians 2:8-9.

[7] Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Ezekiel 36:24-26; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Psalm 110:1-4; Psalm 22:1-31; John 3:1-18.


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