Hear Their Voices


Why the protests at Columbia University matter

Many have been appalled at what has happened in Israel and around the world since the horrific massacre and kidnapping of civilians by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The massacre itself was enough to turn the stomachs of those who watched the footage and images of that event. Compounding that horror has been the virulent antisemitism that has been publicly accepted around the globe since then in the guise of “anti-Zionism” and “anti-Israel.”

This has made headlines recently in the protests at Columbia University in New York City. For over six months, the actions and rhetoric of some students on campus have made it a frightening place for many of the Jewish students. One thing that has not been heard clearly is the voice of those Jewish students. We at Life in Messiah desire to help make their voices heard. Not necessarily because we agree with everything someone may say, but because we all need to understand the danger of the rising tide of antisemitism in the world around us. It was people standing by silently in the face of rising antisemitism that enabled the Shoah (Holocaust). We will not stand by silently as we see this danger rising again.

In their own words, hear what some of the Jewish students at Columbia University have to say about their experience:


After reading, you can learn more through our playlist of video interviews at the Columbia protests:



Saying Our Prayers


Things Not Seen