LIFE Behind the Scenes

My brother stopped to scoop the dog poop and while kneeling, he took advantage of the moment to propose to his girlfriend. Though not very romantic and hardly conventional, she responded positively, and the ring was on the finger. Soon the wedding date was set and after much risk assessment, I decided to make the long journey from Patagonia, Argentina to Albuquerque, New Mexico during a worldwide pandemic. 

Should be no problem, right?

As YouTuber Ryan George would say, “Super easy! Barely an inconvenience!”

What’s the worst that could happen? Some jetlag and I put on a pound or two from too much wedding cake? Plus, I have some extra air-miles. I’d love to see my colleagues at Life in Messiah, especially since the staff conference was canceled.

It all sounded like a well-assessed, prudent plan. True to form of Proverbs 16:9, I went ahead and planned my course, but the Lord did indeed “establish my steps.”

While loose ends were coming together for the wedding, my mom verbally brainstormed, and I followed behind making various lists and checking them twice. My brother noted the comparison between the logistics of a wedding and a military invasion – very similar but with better food. Long story short, mission accomplished: happy bride, happy groom, happy guests, exhausted (but happy) family.

The best part was being behind the scenes – making 89 green chili breakfast burritos, last minute surprise guests needing beds, moving chairs to one venue, moving to another venue and back, then repeat. Blessed are the flexible for we shall not be bent out of shape. I always say weddings and funerals can bring out the best and worst in people – but that’s for another blog….

On to phase two of my adventure in Chicago. Sweet Stephanie with her Pippi Longstocking pigtails and go-go jammies (okay, let’s call them “loungewear”), greeted me at the curb after my late-night flight had been delayed over three hours.

Don’t you love being greeted with a familiar face in an unfamiliar place? I certainly do! 

The next morning as we headed to the Life in Messiah office, ecstatic to see my other “family,” I was double checking my emails for any flight changes when I saw the “aw snap!” email:


Argentina was closing its borders to all but two flights per day from around the world. At that moment, everything was a hazy blur of emotions, plans, decisions, and my caffeine high came to a screeching halt.

This is when the office staff of Life in Messiah absolutely SHINED.

Carmen’s first response was to remind me of God’s sovereignty, His perfect hand in my life, and His plans for me here in the States. Stephanie was secretly happy that she could have a running partner for a few more days (weeks??). Wanda was sympathetic and offered me a much-needed shoulder to cry on then flippantly threw out the suggestion, “Well…maybe you could still catch a flight today?”

Ahhhh! Brilliant! Instantly we shift gears from pity party to plan B, C, and D. Lori cracked open her laptop to research potential flight options, even accessing my United miles without needing my password (hmm…that’s interesting…how did she do that?!).

It was game on, and Lori was in it to win it. Next thing I know she had booked me on the last flight out that was leaving in two hours. I hadn’t packed. We didn’t have access to my hosts’ house to get my stuff. And we were at least an hour’s drive to the airport under the best of circumstances.

It was laughably impossible but we decided to do all we could on our part and put the results in the Lord’s hands. 

Lori drove like a bat out of…a cave…while my husband back in Argentina uploaded all the documents I would need at the airport. Carmen helped me fit way too much stuff into a way too small duffel and offered general cheerleading as necessary. Lori coached me on my “approach” to United’s personnel upon arrival at the airport.

I wish I could say this story ended well, but alas, it didn’t. In record time we made it to the airport. We could have gotten through security and arrived at the gate, but I was unexpectedly denied passage due to my Covid-19 PCR test being an antigen test rather than molecular.

Apparently, the Lord had different plans for me.

The office staff at Life in Messiah played a pivotal role in all that chaos. They supported me in prayer, reminding me that none of this caught the Lord by surprise. This trial was going to stretch my faith muscles while His plan was being laid before me step-by-step. 

During the next two weeks, I started my days off with, “What would you have me do today, Lord?”

In response, He led me all over Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan visiting partners in ministry, former ministry volunteers, encouraging new believers in their faith and sharing the gospel as He directed.

The office staff was a blessing to me so I could pass that blessing on to others. Though they seem to be behind the scenes, they are on the frontlines of ministering to the field staff. For that I am so thankful for my LIFE family.

Long story short, after 14 flights booked then cancelled, finally I got on a flight that was approved to land in Argentina. I made it home safe and sound, Covid free.

I’ve since decided to become a full-time travel agent specializing in pandemic scenarios. Who’s up for an exciting adventure of lock downs, nose swabs, and overpriced airport food???

Written by Cheri, LIFE Staff   

 In what areas is the Lord stretching your faith muscles?

How can you remain more flexible so as to not get bent out of shape?

The Lord determines WHAT we go through, but we decide HOW we go through it. How will you respond in the next life trial knowing God has preordained it?


“Why don’t you be like those good Christians who leave us alone?”


“Know Before Whom You Stand”