Messy Mosaics and Messiah's Design


Sitting down to create my first mosaic was a little intimidating. I initially agreed to the project thinking it would be “a piece of cake.”

Breaking up tiles was very satisfying. But after the first 15 minutes of gluing each individual piece, I realized the enormity of the job.

Building a strong believing community in this generation is vital to the health and longevity of the body of Messiah. Some days it reminds me of the painstaking job of gluing those fragmented pieces of tile.

With all the programs we create and events we host, you would think the body of Messiah would be thriving in 2019. Yet it is far too easy to find reports stating this is the loneliest and most disconnected generation.

It makes me wonder what we can do better to create stronger communities of faith.

In Genesis 11, we read of a people with one language who made bricks with their own hands in order to build a city and tower that would reach the heavens. Their motivation was to make a name for themselves (Genesis 11:4).

The Tower of Babel was all about mankind exerting independence and self-sufficiency apart from God. Building this tower somehow unified the people in pride as they grew more and more confident of their own abilities. They forsook God’s plan to disperse and fill the earth.

And so, the Creator stepped in, confused their language, and they scattered throughout the world.  Unity apart from the Tri-Unity (Trinity) is like building a tower without the cornerstone. Inevitability the structure with collapse.

Ephesians 2:11-22 speaks of the beautiful unifying work of Messiah Jesus. His broken body on a tree broke down the wall of hostility between us and God, and also between the Jewish people and the Gentiles.

Yeshua is the glue that brings fractured humanity into shalom (derived from the Hebrew word “wholeness”) with the Father and each other. This Prince of Peace begins to build a holy temple for God’s Spirit to dwell.

He himself is the Cornerstone. The same cornerstone that was rejected at the tower of Babel and later by God’s own people was raised to life. He restores the unity between us and a Holy God.

This reminds me as a worker in His Kingdom of the importance of Jesus being the center of all our ministry efforts. How is it possible to build apart from the Cornerstone?

By the power and leading of the Spirit of God we can build strong communities of faith if He remains the center of our efforts. We must allow Him to build His church through us.

These truths are simply beautiful . . . perhaps like watching Michelangelo as his masterful hand pieces together a mosaic.

Piece by piece tiles are laid . . . each fragment given a permanent place in an awe-inspiring design.

Written by Kori, LIFE Staff

Sometimes we use our brokenness as an excuse for why God can’t use us.

At other times, we want to take control over the design of life’s mosaic – to move the pieces where we think they should fit.

How are you fitting into God’s purpose for your life? His pattern for His global Body?

Your feedback is welcome!


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