Priceless Proximity


There is no substitute for physical proximity. Prior to the quarantine lockdowns of 2020 I knew this theoretically, now for a fact.

In those days when public meetings were prohibited, we did everything we could to keep our congregation together and encouraged. On week one of the shutdown, we were up and running on Zoom. We broadcast our Shabbat (Saturday) morning service live from our homes. I led the service and preached from my home office while my wife in the dining room was gatekeeper as people signed in. Then she frantically played keyboard “Whac-A-Mole” keeping congregants’ microphones muted and video turned off! We still laugh about the time she had to yell from the dining room to me behind my closed office door, “You’re muted!”

A mile and half away, our administrator ran the liturgy and song slides from her home. From living rooms across the suburbs and city, different families led us in worship. At the end of the service, we invited the entire congregation to unmute and turn on their webcams for a fun and chaotic meet and greet. This was everyone’s favorite part of the service.

It was crazy stressful for those leading – sound checks, camera/phone placement, avoiding back lighting, unmuting, and muting at just the right time, syncing lyric slides, sharing and un-sharing screens and frozen screens. We even executed a “modem restart” mid-sermon! But it was all worth it.

Gathering digitally was the balm we craved in our physical isolation. But ultimately not what we needed. God created us for physical proximity, face-to-face relationship. A digital body is no body at all, and an avatar cannot be Messiah’s hands and feet.

Our first week back in the sanctuary for Shabbat worship proved it.

Many aspects of the day felt surreal. Half of our members were absent, chairs were socially distanced, doors left open and the large exhaust fan in the adjacent room was turned on to draw fresh air through the sanctuary. Singing was limited and moved to the end of the service; masks were encouraged…all to mitigate infection risks.[1]

Yet, none of this mattered to us. We were together!

Many of us wept as our souls were filled by the Lord’s presence in each other. We rediscovered the pricelessness of proximity – the luxury of looking into each other’s eyes or hearing in another’s voice a need for encouragement and prayer. We appreciated afresh personally connecting in post-service chats in the lobby or over a cup of coffee.

By ending our isolation, we experienced why Yeshua (Jesus) called twelve men as disciples and sent them out two at a time. We now cherish God’s commands, “Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together…” and “greet one another with a holy kiss.” We appreciate Paul’s yearning to be with the believers in Rome even though he could write to them, or to see Timothy and have Onesimus return to him.

Can you relate to the joy of presence, the undeniable need to be together? If so, you will appreciate the importance of Life in Messiah’s upcoming quadrennial Staff Conference. Due to Covid restrictions Life in Messiah’s far-flung staff have been isolated for six years, unable to enjoy the soul-nurturing joys of being together.

Our staff and their families will be traveling from around the globe, from Israel, France, the Netherlands, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and across the United States[2] for a week of face-to-face Bible teaching, prayer, equipping, shared meals, and times of recreation. But especially for a much-needed time of encouragement and support the Lord provides only when His people are gathered together.

Join us in making this year’s Staff Conference the best-ever.

(1) Pray for:

  • Wisdom for our leadership team as they make final preparations for the staff’s arrival

  • Our Bible teachers to be filled by the Holy Spirit

  • Each staff member to be refreshed and encouraged in the Holy Spirit

  • Safe and easy travel for each staff member and family

  • Health and safety throughout

  • The kids’ program to be great fun and bear lasting fruit and friendships

(2) Make a financial investment to help offset the significant cost of investing in our staff this way. Click here to donate and ensure it is designated for “Staff Conference.”

Thank you for caring, praying, and encouraging our staff as they come together face-to-face after so many years.

Written by Dan, Life in Messiah Board Chair

  1. Is there someone you need to connect with face-to-face for fellowship and encouragement?

  2. Has the Lord put a particular individual or family serving with Life in Messiah on your heart? Consider sending them a note to say you are praying for them.


[1] We continued broadcasting the service on Zoom for those not yet ready to return in person.

[2] We’re hoping those who cannot attend in person, such as our Life in Messiah Hong Kong teammates, may be able to connect digitally during the conference.


"Fast Forward


The Smell of Freedom