Tasting God


The beauty, majesty, and vastness of Aspen’s mountains were a hyacinth to my NYC-born soul. Skiing there was a dream come true. Just one ski season in this “heaven on earth” made an Aspen evangelist of me.

No one told me, “Go home to your people and make disciples of Aspen and snow skiing.” I simply wanted everyone to experience what I had tasted and I wasted no opportunity to point others to it.

Whence this evangelistic zeal? Smitten people naturally promote the object of their passion, whether a sport, sports team, grandchild, book, recipe, restaurant, blog, movie, political candidate….

Israel’s most famous king was just such an evangelist. King David was passionate, but not for something as dull as the Rockies or banal as skiing by comparison. He wanted everyone to experience what he had experienced – God’s prayer-answering, fear-relieving, shame-lifting, trouble-saving, camp-encircling, soul-cleansing Self. David’s personal experience of God compelled him to sing this invitation:

“O taste and see that the Lord is good; how happy is the person who takes refuge in Him!”( Psalm 34:8 )

David “tasted” the infinite God by walking through life with Him. David’s Psalms describe his taste-experience of God’s goodness. Lyrics such as “magnify,” “exalt,” “look to,” “cry,” “take refuge,” and “fear” (humble, reverential awe, and respect for God’s power, authority, and transcendence) picture his daily dependence on God’s involvement in every happy and hard event. Lyrics like “praise,” “rejoice,” “exult,” “hallelujah,” and “overflow” picture the happy benefits of this taste.

David’s invitation sums up Life in Messiah’s (LIFE for short) passion – a longing for God’s Jewish people to taste the riches of God’s goodness in Messiah, and His Church to taste the wonders of God’s plan for Israel and all of His sin-battered creation.

Are you longing to taste God’s goodness and His blessings? If so, we can help point you in the right direction. It would be our joy to show you how you can know God personally and start “tasting and seeing” His goodness in your life.

Visit https://www.insearchofshalom.com/ and watch the first-person stories of people like you who longed to taste and see. Then click on “Shalom Lost and Regained” https://isos.app/lost-and-regained/ and discover God’s recipe for a taste-filled life with Him. We guarantee following His recipe will transform your life!

LIFE can also help you taste God’s goodness more fully by enriching your appreciation of God’s abiding passion for redeeming His Jewish people and your critical role as a believer in Jesus.

Listen regularly to The TŌV Podcast  in your favorite podcast app to enjoy a “taste enhancing” diet of fascinating interviews and practical Bible teaching.

Visit https://lifeinmessiah.org/portal-learn to learn more about the roots of your faith and the wonder of God’s unfolding plan in our own day.

You do not have to settle for a bland, dissatisfying spiritual diet. The effort to find something better is worth it. You have little to lose and everything to gain when you “taste and see that the Lord is good.”

How happy you will be!

Written by Dan, Life in Messiah Board Chair

  1. Have you “tasted and seen that the Lord is good”?

  2. Which one of your friends needs to taste and see? How would the Lord have you help them?

  3. Of the three resources provided in this blog, which one proved most helpful? We’d love your feedback at office@lifeinmessiah.org.


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