The Defeat of Doubt

“Why don’t you go ask the rabbis?”

This was my advice to *Egal, my convicted, and seemingly convinced, new Israeli friend. For a week a few of us believers had been talking almost daily with this intelligent and curious olive-skinned young man. We presented Yeshua as the Messiah of whom the prophets of Israel spoke.

For nearly two months this former soldier had hiked the beautiful, diverse landscape of Israel, from its northern border with Lebanon to the southern border with Egypt. Egal had spent many hours in the special silence of the desert.

Silence that gives voice to the subtle sounds of nature.

Solitude that allows one’s thoughts to search the conscience.

Finding freedom to question realities beyond the smothering grind of daily life.

Egal was eager to interact. His penetrating brown eyes revealed a sharp mind and a soft soul. He was not offended by questions that touched on eternal matters.

Does God exist?

Has He revealed Himself?

What is His character?

What does He require of mankind?

This young man’s spiritual journey and ultimate decision to trust in Yeshua was truly a work of God. Each day as he attended an open Bible study, Egal’s hunger grew in the quest for the truth of who Yeshua is.

The Holy Spirit convicted of sin. Through the scriptures Egal saw his inability to achieve the righteous requirements of the Holy God to whom he was being drawn.

The pendulum of decision that had been swinging between repentance and rejection seemed ready to dock. But doubt and distrust combined for one last fleshly challenge.

“It really seems so clear in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), that Yeshua is our Messiah. How can it be that the rabbis do not see this? What do they say about all the scriptures that show who He is?”

This was the final stand, the last roadblock to belief.

I surprised myself as I heard my own confident reply, “Why don’t you go ask them?”

His eyes searched mine as if to say, Really, seriously?

Without hesitation, I gave him directions to the large synagogue known for its religious fervor in bringing back Jewish people to rabbinic Judaism.

I don’t recall how much time passed before he returned in the afternoon. But I’ll never forget his retelling of the difficult and combative responses he experienced as his honest and earnest inquiries were treated as arguments and accusations.

“Everyone here was happy with my questions and did their best to answer. There was no judgment. But when I asked the rabbis, they became angry. The atmosphere was the opposite of the peace I find here.”

The following morning a contrite and humbled man bowed his head in repentance. Acknowledging his lost sinful condition before God, Egal confessed Yeshua as LORD.

Written by Jeff, LIFE Staff Member

Are you experiencing doubt or distrust in the message of Jesus as the promised Jewish Messiah? If so, we would love to show you these same life-changing scriptures.

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ (John 1:17 - NASB).


Ignorance and Arrogance [Part 1]


"I Can't Do It Myself!"