The Greatest Influencer of All Time

Although social media has sometimes had a bad rap – times are changing. Even Baby Boomers are realizing its influence over products, ideas, and education.

Influencer Marketing Hub describes an influencer as:

  1. An individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his/her audience.

  2. An individual who has a following in a particular niche, which they actively engage with. The size of the following depends on the size of the niche. [i]

What drives the value of these individuals or “influencers” on social media? Often, it is the number of their “followers” and their loyalty to a specific brand, product, or idea.

The words and actions of influencers impact millions of people. At the same time, the term “micro-influencer” is on the rise. This refers to individuals who are not as well-known but are experts in a particular niche or market. It is said that “micro-influencers” may end up being the most important influencers in the future.

Followers engage and become active with an influencer. Therein lies the potential for both good and evil. Followers must be wise in who they choose to follow.

We see this reality in other avenues of life. Whether social media, business, sports or other spheres, being a “good follower” is as important as being a good influencer - perhaps more so. Perhaps FastCompany is accurate in stating, “be the kind of follower you would want to have if you are the leader.”[ii]

Over 2,000 years ago a Jewish man walked the earth. He was and is still the greatest influencer this world has ever known. Yeshua (Jesus) also called people to follow Him. He articulated the significant cost in doing so. Even more sobering, Yeshua made it clear that our eternal destiny depends on whether or not we become His follower.

Don’t you think it’s time, especially if you are Jewish, to carefully examine the claims of the greatest influencer of all time? He said, “Follow Me.”[iii] The impact of His claims is more significant than any modern-day influencer. Jesus stood before the experts of the Law, the Jewish religious leadership of His day, and claimed that He was the Son of God.[iv]

Yeshua is the hope of the Patriarchs of Israel, the One Moses wrote about, and the One destined to be the greatest influence in world history.

All material things pass away, including our own physical bodies, but our souls are eternal. Isn’t it worth your time to consider following the Greatest Influencer of all?

Contact us today on how to become a follower of the True Influencer, Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. Consider how you can become a “micro-influencer” who helps others find the source of eternal joy – a future that really matters.

Written by Jeff, LIFE Staff Member



[iii] Mathew 4:19; 8:22; 9:9; 16:24; Mark 10:21; Luke 18:21; John 21:19

[iv] Luke 22:70

Joshua Austin

I build things.


Turkey Anyone?

