The Real Matrix

*Igor and *Ana are atheists, but curious. Recently, we sat together on their balcony, snacking on Israeli watermelon. The conversation soon turned to faith, as it usually does.

Sensing God’s Spirit’s nudge, I presented a picture of reality to them. I referenced the movie “The Matrix” to illustrate.

“Blue pill or red pill?”

Having seen the film, they understood the question.

A choice must be made: reality, or comfort? Stay hidden in darkness, or enter the light? Allow your perceptions to be controlled by outside forces, or start thinking for yourself?

Uncomfortable to think about? Yes.

Scary and difficult? Absolutely.

Worth choosing reality? Unquestionably.

My approach is not always this direct, but I felt the urgency to speak plainly. “We are pounding on your enclosed pods, inviting you to unplug from the world’s system and step out into the real world.”

Light, not darkness. Truth, not lies.

Freedom, not slavery. Life, not death.

It was a blunt analogy to demonstrate how much is at stake. But they took it quite well.

For four years my wife and I have been friends with this delightful older couple. They know we love them. We often tell them so!

They know we believe in Messiah Jesus with conviction. And they know we love Israel and the Jewish people.

They know we are dedicated to our friendship. We’ve proven it.

We gave them gifts of New Testaments in their native Russian language. But the Scriptures remain unread.

We have shared the gospel with them, numerous times. No response.

We have prayed for their salvation. To date, they have not believed.

Our time together ended just before midnight. We left them with a lot to ponder. Their parting words were full of love.

We believe God must be working in their hearts in ways we cannot possibly see. As Neo did in the Matrix, the Savior is entering the world of people trapped in the control of the Enemy.

God is in the business of rescuing people from this fallen world system. But it is in His timing and His mysterious ways.

We recognize we are incapable. Insufficient. Inadequate.

We can’t save people. Only God can redeem a soul.

We cannot provide salvation. Messiah Jesus has already made that provision.

We cannot buy people’s salvation. It has already been purchased by His sacrifice.

God does ask us to proclaim the truth; share His love; bear witness to His transforming power; challenge lovingly; and pray unceasingly.

And He enables us to do it. We rely on His strength and wisdom. His message and timing. His purpose and will. And all through His Spirit.

So we press forward.

In obedience and faith.

In love and humility.

In thankfulness that God has “unplugged” us from the world of the Enemy. He has transferred us to His Kingdom.

He invites us to join Him as He rescues others.

Written by Levi, LIFE Staff Member

*Names changed to protect identities.

For you to consider:

  • Whom do I need to love?

  • What gospel seeds do I need to plant, water, tend?

  • Who in my life needs to be rescued?


Seasons Of Change


"Because I Know Who My Father Is"