Why Israel?


Some people probably wonder why I always post about Israel on social media. The answer is pretty simple: for God’s glory (Isaiah 44:23; 49:3; 60:21; 61:3)!

Rejoice, heavens, for the Lord has acted;

shout, depths of the earth.

Break out into singing, mountains,

forest, and every tree in it.

For the LORD has redeemed Jacob,

and glorifies Himself through Israel. (Isaiah 44:23)

Israel is one of the main instruments God uses to glorify Himself among the nations. This is partly why the nations hate Israel. Israel is a nation established and preserved by God (Genesis 12:1–3; Jeremiah 31:31–35). This does not make Israel or the Jewish people perfect or automatically righteous; just as all individuals, created and sustained by God, are not perfect or automatically righteous. One receives righteousness only by faith in Messiah. Yet, anyone who believes in God also believes He works among imperfect individuals.

Like the sun, moon, and stars, the very existence of the Jewish people points to God’s faithfulness in preserving His choice nation. In addition to their continued existence as a people despite centuries of persecution, the whole world can now see the Jewish people returning to their God-given homeland, just as God’s Word predicted thousands of years ago (Ezekiel 37). This visible reality causes many from the nations to ask questions about the Jewish people and God. These questions could lead someone to begin believing in and worshipping the God of the Bible.

Surely, Satan and his followers must hate – and want others to hate – such a visible sign that the God of Israel is at work in the world.

Surely, Satan and his followers want to eliminate His chosen people and make God out to be a liar (Jeremiah 31:35–37).

Surely, Satan and his followers want to confuse believers and distort the clarity of God’s Word so the nations do not proclaim that God exists and is active among mankind (Jeremiah 31:10).

Surely, Satan and his followers must want to dampen believers’ zeal for seeing the salvation of the Jewish people – especially since the gospel is “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16).

How might Satan and his followers accomplish these things? Here are four possibilities:

  1. Try to physically eliminate the Jewish people through persecutions, wars, etc.

  2. Try to erase the significance of the Jewish people from the Bible by replacing them with another group. Islam, many cults, and much of Western Christianity have fallen for this deception. Many of those involved in “religion” believe God has forsaken His covenant promises to Israel in favor of transferring these promises to themselves – which is convenient but untrue. Paul warned about displaying arrogance and ignorance concerning the Jewish people in Romans 9–11, yet his words (and the words of the prophets before him) are ignored by many.

  3. To spread libels and lies about the Jewish people and/or Israel so the nations hate them or are apathetic towards them.

  4. To deny the credibility and value of God’s Word so nobody knows about God’s clear handiwork. If I do not believe the Bible, or if I’m ignorant of what it teaches, then I’m more likely to attribute God’s work to sheer luck or, even worse, hard work and determination.

You see, Israel (mentioned over two thousand times in the Bible!) and the Jewish people are a litmus test for the nations. God chose the Jewish people and gave them a specific land for His own glory. Unfortunately, most from the nations have never forgiven Him – or them – for His good and sovereign choice.

“Nations, hear the word of the LORD,

and tell it among the far off coasts and islands!

He will watch over him as a shepherd guards his flock,

for the LORD has ransomed Jacob

and redeemed him from the power of one stronger than he.” (Jeremiah 31:10–11)

Written by Levi, Life in Messiah Executive Director

  1. Why should this tiny nation be the focus of so much animosity, regularly being criticized by the news and condemned in UN resolutions? Can you think of a better example of the reality that “whatever God especially loves, Satan especially hates”?

  2. How does God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel bring you comfort and strengthen your faith?

  3. Is there a Jewish person in your circle of influence who would be blessed by reading the verses cited above? Ask the Lord to bring to mind the person(s) with whom He would have you share His Word this week.


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