Sharing God’s Heart
for the Jewish People
in Canada
Since 1887, Life in Messiah has helped Christians understand the Jewish roots of our faith and God’s ongoing commitment to His people. We teach that antisemitism is inconsistent with biblical faith. We “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” which includes her spiritual renewal. Learn More
Our mission straightforward and gospel-centered:
Evangelism - Share the good news of Jesus the Messiah with a priority of “to the Jew first.” (Romans 1:16)
Discipleship - Help Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus to mature in their faith and become disciple makers.
Training - Equip the church to share the gospel, stand against antisemitism, and develop a deeper appreciation for the Jewish roots of our faith.
We desire to partner with you! There are many ways to be part of what God is doing. You can pray. You can go. You can give. You can host.
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Our History
On October 28, 2004 Rev. David Daniels of Whitby, ON, Isaac Mak (Wah Lai) of Thornhill, ON, and Wes Taber of Munster, IN met in Toronto to seek the Lord’s wisdom, direction, and blessing on a new work being established “to further the work of evangelism, discipleship, and equipping believers in Messiah Jesus for effective ministry.”
The decision was made to form a Canadian religious charity named AMF Ministries Canada, for the purpose of “building bridges of understanding between Jewish and Christian communities worldwide.” Articles of Belief, bylaws and policies were adopted and officers elected.
On June 2, 2006 Industry Canada issued Letters Patent for the corporation. In 2007 a Prairie Bible Institute student did her internship in Israel under the sponsorship of AMF Ministries Canada.
In 2008 AMF Ministries Canada formalized a Joint Ministry Agreement with AMF International, a US-based ministry founded in 1887 and incorporated in the State of Illinois, now doing business as Life in Messiah International. This name has also been registered as our dba (“doing business as”) name here in Canada. Though independent entities, the ministries work in close cooperation to meet shared goals.
Here in Canada we added our first full-time field workers in 2009, serving in the Greater Toronto Area. In addition to gospel proclamation, our staff engage in preaching, teaching, and training. To secure a speaker or to speak to a ministry representative, please call 905-235-3717 or contact office@lifeinmessiah.org.
“Sharing God’s heart for the Jewish people”

190 Mulock Dr. PO Box 251 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X1
(905) 235-3717