“This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.”
(Ephesians 3:6).
Who is Fellowheirs?
We are a Quad Cities group of believers who share God’s heart for the Jewish people. We meet monthly to:
Pray for Israel and the salvation of the Jewish people globally.
Educate ourselves on the Land, its history, and people.
Celebrate Jewish holidays in light of their biblical significance.
Listen to guest speakers who come share with us.
Time: 4th Sunday of the month; 3-5pm.
Location: Quad Cities.
Our meetings highlight supporting the biblical mandate of spreading the gospel message of Messiah Jesus “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16). We support Life in Messiah International, headquartered in the Chicago area.
For further information, contact office@lifeinmessiah.org with the subject “Fellowheirs.”
Where we've been…
Fellowheirs was started by Cal Koenig. Born in California in 1903, Cal moved to the Quad Cities to live with relatives at age six when his parents passed away. An evangelist who was a Jewish believer stirred Cal’s heart for Jewish ministry. After some further education, Cal joined the Chicago Hebrew Mission (today known as Life in Messiah) in 1948 and was assigned to the Quad Cities.
At this point, Cal felt the weight of the challenge of bringing the gospel to the Jewish people and recruited friends to pray. This prayer group became known as “Fellowheirs” based on Romans 8:17 (“co-heirs with Messiah”).
The purpose of their monthly gatherings (at local churches and restaurants) were for fellowship, teaching about Scripture, Israel, Jewish evangelism; and most importantly, for prayer.
Over 70 years later, this ministry continues today and has seen over three generations of prayer warriors.