Hope for the Hopeless in Israel
After 10 years in ministry, Isaac relapsed.
Raised by his single mother in the Soviet Union, *Isaac fell in with the wrong crowd and by age 14 was addicted to drugs. Besides doing drugs in the basement, Isaac and his friends engaged in another risky activity (in their Soviet context): reading stolen, handwritten portions of Scripture.
Isaac became a believer but continued abusing drugs for several years, during which he immigrated to Israel. When Jesus started prodding his heart, suddenly the fun of drug use vanished and left Isaac searching for a way out of addiction.
At age 20, Isaac started a rehab program and dedicated his life to God. He went on to attend Bible school and was active in the Messianic Israeli community – only to relapse 10 years later. For the next two decades, Isaac’s life fell apart as his addiction consumed him.
After 20 years of this lifestyle, Isaac came to Aviv Ministry’s rehab center, where he has made huge strides in his recovery. Isaac now says, “I have got the will to live again.”
Meeting Physical & Spiritual Needs in Israel
Another Life in Messiah ministry providing rehabilitation services for Israelis struggling with addiction is Rescue in Israel. This outreach, located in Ashkelon, provides food, shelter, and a recovery program for men who leave the streets to find healing.
We are in the process of getting approval to build a women’s shelter as well. Watch the video to learn more about Rescue in Israel!

Aviv Ministry
Aviv Ministry in Israel is run by Dov Bikas, a member of Life in Messiah staff. The ministry runs a soup kitchen in Tel Aviv, an outreach to new immigrants in Ashkelon, and a women’s shelter and men’s rehab in Beersheva. Besides providing for physical needs, including food, shelter, and basic medical treatment, Aviv Ministry shares the gospel with Israelis struggling with addiction.
Over the years of ministry, they have seen both successes and failures. “We try to help everyone,” Dov says. “When we take someone in, we don’t know how they will develop in the Lord, but we try to help them.”
Dov firmly believes that the key to freedom is a strong relationship with the Lord. Rehab can help people get clean, but it can’t free them, he says. “It’s the people who are on fire for God who truly conquer their addiction.”
At Aviv Ministry’s shelter and rehab, men and women are given the space they need to fight their addiction – and consider the truths of Scripture being presented to them. This space often yields spiritual fruit; according to Dov, “Drug addicts in Israel are the most open to the gospel.”
“What Can I Do?”
Life in Messiah is striving to reach Israelis with the Good News of Jesus! By giving to our ministry, you can help us spread the word about Aviv Ministry and Rescue in Israel, continuing to equip men and women with the hope of true recovery!