Thank you for visiting us from The Land and the Book radio show! We are excited about our partnership with this great program that shares our passion: to see the gospel proclaimed to Jewish people.

Passover has a deep meaning for us as believers in Jesus. It is an integral part of the Exodus story, the Last Supper, and the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is also an amazing connection point with our Jewish friends both around the world and across the street. Jewish people have been keeping this feast for thousands of years! Understanding the importance of this holiday and its history helps you better understand these precious people. And what better way to learn than to experience a Passover Seder yourself?

If you’ve never celebrated Passover (or if you want to celebrate again!), we would love to partner with you in hosting a Seder experience! Every year, our staff lead churches and small groups through Messiah in the Passover Seders, where you can taste and see the redemption story. If you are interested in learning more about having a Seder in your area, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you with more details.