Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

Joy to the World

Written by Solomon, Psalm 72 cries out to God for a just and righteous ruler. Isaiah 11 continues the narrative, speaking of Israel’s future relationship with her Messiah. One day, peace will reign.

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

The Cornerstone Prophecy Revealed

Psalm 118 is read each year during the Passover Seder. It discusses a Cornerstone that will be rejected by the builders. Examining the passage and other texts makes it clear that Psalm 118 is one of the most important of all prophetic texts.

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

What is the One New Man?

Ephesians 2 tells us that, prior to Messiah’s first coming, Gentiles were “separate” from Yeshua, “excluded” from Israel, and “strangers” to God’s promises. How does the gospel change things?

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen

Who Is the True Israel?

What did Paul mean when he wrote, “For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel” (Rom. 9:6)? Host Levi Hazen explores the textual context to bring clarity to this passage.

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Interview, Bible Study Steven Cauthen Interview, Bible Study Steven Cauthen

Genesis 10: Table of Nations

The tenth chapter of Genesis explains how the world was repopulated after the flood. Paul James-Griffiths has spent more than 20 years studying the migration of peoples and comparing ancient sources to the biblical text. Paul sits down to share his findings about this important Bible passage!

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Bible Study Steven Cauthen Bible Study Steven Cauthen


Are you unknowingly believing a misconception? Levi Hazen explores some popular misconceptions held by many believers today and provides a better understanding of the topics based on a simple reading of the biblical text.

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