What Does Horseradish Have to do with Passover?

What does horseradish have to do with Passover?

On a typical Passover seder plate, you'll see several food elements. A few of these have actually been added by rabbis over the years. But in the Old Testament, Jewish people were commanded to eat 3 things during Passover:

  1. Lamb

  2. Bitter Herbs

  3. Matzah (Unleavened bread)

The bitter herbs (Hebrew - maror) are more often than not symbolized by . . . horseradish! Horseradish can be used, or really any herb that brings tears to the eyes.

The reasoning? Bitter herbs represent the bitterness of the Israelite's slavery under the Egyptians.

The maror (bitter herbs) also remind us that life is full of tears and bitterness in this sin‐cursed world. Yeshua (Jesus) sympathizes with our plight (Hebrews 4:15). “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of suffering who knew what sickness was. He was like one people turned away from; He was despised, and we didn’t value Him” (Isaiah 53:3).

Want to learn more about Passover? Click HERE.


Dayenu! // !דַּיֵּנוּ‎


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