What is Havdalah?

What is Havdalah? ⁠

Havdalah is a Jewish ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat. The Hebrew word Havdalah means "separation," which is appropriate as the end of Shabbat separates it from the start of a new week.

During the Havdalah blessing (which is recited over a cup of wine), a special braided candle with multiple wicks is lit, becoming one flame. Some believe this type of candle is used to remind us that Shabbat brings people together. Others believe it symbolizes God and man coming together.⁠ ⁠ Spices (or sometimes plants) are also passed around (sometimes in a small decorative spice box) to enhance the experience and remind those who partake in smelling them of the pleasantness of Shabbat.⁠

Lastly, at the end of a Havdalah ceremony, the candle is extinguished in a small dish of wine, as a reminder that the candle was solely used for the mitzvah of Havdalah.⁠ ⁠ Havdalah is meant to invoke all five human senses: one can feel the cup, smell the spices, see the flame of the candle, hear the blessings, and taste the wine.⁠

It is a beautiful ceremony that marks the end of a day set apart for the LORD and the beginning of a new week!

Our purpose in sharing things like this is not to imply that these traditions have to be followed by believers in Jesus/Messianic Jews, but in order to help others better learn about and understand their Jewish neighbors and friends so that they can better build bridges and connections with them.


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