A Conspiracy Theory You Can Believe

“Have you heard the latest? .” [Insert here a current news item followed by the conspiracy theory it purports to support.]

Like weeds, conspiracy theories can sprout up anywhere. In times of crisis they seem to multiply. And in the current over-heated greenhouse of American politics there is no lack of fertilizer to help them flourish.

“Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear” may be the best advice for some. Having dabbled a bit in video editing software of late I affirm that anyone can believably be made to say almost anything on a screen. (Delete the “not” out of “I do NOT worship the devil” and a God-fearer just became a Satan worshiper.)

“So, what do you think about…?” is often asked as a conversation starter. Honestly, how often do we really have all the facts needed to rightly evaluate what is being reported? Is there such a thing as an unbiased news source anymore? (Was there ever?)

Some years ago I reached a conclusion. There really is a Conspirator out to destroy us. In fact, Abaddon (Destroyer)[1] is one of Satan’s[2] Hebrew names. We get his English name, Lucifer,[3] from a key passage of Scripture. In Isaiah 14 we read a prophetic word to be fulfilled when a future regathered Israel “will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon.”[4] In Satan’s deadly five “I wills” we see the height of prideful arrogance on display:

  • I will ascend to heaven.

  • I will raise my throne above the stars of God.

  • I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north.

  • I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.

  • I will make myself like the Most High.[5]

Our Adversary makes his intentions clear when he boldly states his plan to make himself equal to God. Is it any wonder that in the first temptation proffered to humanity was included the promise “You will be like God”? The Prince of Darkness, disguised as an angel of light,[6] has not only blinded the eyes of nonbelievers;[7] he seeks to deceive even God’s elect.[8]

How did the “god of this age” turn into our archenemy? The “anointed cherub who covers”[9] was unsatisfied to be the pinnacle of beauty and perfection among the spirit beings. To the present time Satan desires to steal the Creator’s glory, not reflect it.

Cast out of God’s presence, the Evil One’s aim is to exert dominion over creation. Especially in his crosshairs is humanity, created in God’s very image and for personal relationship with Him. And his greatest fury is aimed toward those who are called by God’s name: His chosen nation, Israel, and those comprising the Bride of Messiah, the Church.

So here’s my theory. There is a conspiracy, at the highest level of creation. Satan, along with his demonic minions and the humans he has deceived and enslaved, are doing their best to destroy what God treasures most. The Devil is an intelligent being possessing supernatural power. No novice, our Adversary; he’s practiced his dark arts on human beings whom he has studied for generations.

I’m of the opinion the Enemy of our souls is working overtime these days. One of his greatest tools is deception. Like a skilled magician waving his left hand expansively, he distracts from the actions of his right hand. While we’re pursuing many fake conspiracy theories (“Look over here!!”) he’s busy with his real plans, many of which remain undetected until the trap snaps closed.

Some of the rumors we hear regarding the source of COVID-19, local or global political machinations, secret international cabals, et al., may have some kernels of truth behind them. But which ones, and how much?

Even were I to completely discern truth from error in each case, what would God have me do about them? In most cases of which I am aware, there would be little I could do to subvert them, apart from His divine direction and empowerment.

As followers of our Lord Yeshua, we already have our marching orders: love God, love others.[10] Proclaim the gospel, make disciples.[11]

With His commands come wise instructions: be wise as serpents, harmless as doves.[12] Speak the truth in love.[13] Abhor evil, cling to the good.[14]

The Chief Conspirator is no match for the King of kings and Lord of lords.[15] We know how the story ends. Light conquers darkness. Disease and death are vanquished. The great dragon, Satan, is banished to the Lake of Fire. The kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord, and He shall reign forever and ever.[16]

So, when Satan says, “Look! Over here!” look instead to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.[17] You’ll sleep better for it.

More importantly, the glory our Enemy seeks to usurp will go to the only wise God[18] who dwells in inapproachable light.[19] And that, dear friend, is fact not theory.

Written by Wes Taber, LIFE Global Ambassador

What conspiracy theories have you heard this week? How did you respond to them?

What “intentional filter” can you put in your thinking process to deal with “information overload,” especially the myriad sources of misinformation designed to distract us from the real spiritual battles we face?

What intentional conversational bridges can you build to move from the “smoke and mirrors” of the false and frivolous to substantive discussion of biblical realities?

If you’re struggling with fear and hopelessness, or have some other concern you’d like to share, we’d love to pray with you. Call us at 708-418-0020 or email office@lifeinmessiah.org.


[1] The Greek equivalent for “Destroyer” is Apollyon. See Revelation 9:11 for these names of “the angel of the abyss.”

[2] Satan is Hebrew for “Adversary.”

[3] Lucifer, coming to us from the Vulgate Translation of Isaiah 14:12, is Latin for “light bearer.” The Hebrew helel is translated variously: “star of the morning” (NASB), “Day Star” (ESV), “shining morning star (HCSB), “morning star” (NIV), etc. That “morning stars” refer poetically to angelic beings is seen in Job 38:7: “When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God [b’nei Elohim, also used of angels] shouted for joy?”

[4] Isaiah 14:4.

[5] Isaiah 14:13-14.

[6] 2 Corinthians 11:14.

[7] 2 Corinthians 4:4.

[8] Matthew 24:24.

[9] Ezekiel 28:14. The “king of Tyre” is described as one having “the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.” Further, “You were in Eden, the garden of God” (verses 11-12). The evil spirit (Satan himself, who is the puppet master behind the human king) is the one being addressed here.

[10] Matthew 22:36-40.

[11] Matthew 28:18-20.

[12] Matthew 10:16.

[13] Ephesians 4:15.

[14] Romans 12:9.

[15] 1 Timothy 6:15.

[16] See “the end of The Book” (Revelation 20-22) for the best-ever ending to our story. And to think, that is just the beginning to our eternity to follow….

[17] Hebrews 12:2.

[18] Jude 1:25.

[19] 1 Timothy 6:16.


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