A High Holy Day Challenge


Before reading any further please answer out loud the following question: What are your High Holy Day plans?

If you are new to appreciating the Jewish foundations of faith in Jesus perhaps you answered, “Huh? What are the High Holy Days?” [Please visit https://lifeinmessiah.org/portal-learn and scroll down to “The Jewish Feasts.” You can click on the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur buttons to learn more.]

To many Jewish people the High Holy Days are as important as Christmas and Easter are to followers of Jesus. Familiarity with these days is foundational to understanding and praying for the Jewish people.

You may have replied, “I have no High Holy Day plan! In fact, I believe trying to keep the Mosaic Law is wrong.”

We could not agree with you more . . . if acknowledging the High Holy Days means keeping the Mosaic Law. In reality, no one can keep the biblical laws related to these holy days, even those who believe they are obligated to do so. When God permitted the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, the dispersal of the Aaronic priesthood, and the cessation of animal sacrifices, keeping these holy days as He commanded through Moses was rendered impossible!

Having High Holy Day plans is not about keeping the law, it’s about appreciating how these holy days picture Jesus who provides once-for-all atonement, and looking for opportunities to point our Jewish friends to Him.

Perhaps you said, “I love what the High Holy Days symbolize, but I have no plans because I’m not Jewish.”

Don’t make the mistake of thinking, “these holy days are not for me.” Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur may be foreign to your current worship experience, but they can become a God-given opportunity for celebrating your spiritual identity. You may not be Jewish but in Messiah you are part of God’s “olive tree” (Romans 11:24).

So be creative! Perhaps you can plan a Bible study and time of worship with friends focusing on what you can learn about finding rest and atonement through Messiah this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

High Holy Day plans benefit our own spiritual growth, but more importantly they can impact others for eternity. The High Holy Days challenge us to see the fields that are white for harvest (John 4:35, Luke 10:2).

Take the High Holy Day challenge. Get to know the holidays and your Jewish acquaintances better. Dig into the biblical Jewish roots of your faith. Get into sync with God’s commitment to preserving a Jesus-believing remnant among His beloved Jewish people (Romans 11:1-6). Here are a few ways you can do so during the High Holy Days:

  • Send a Jewish New Year card to unsaved Jewish friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.

  • Wish a Jewish friend a “sweet new year” by bringing them a gift basket of sweet treats including apples and honey which traditionally are part of the Rosh Hashanah meal.

  • Gather with believing friends to pray for Life in Messiah.

  • Contact one of LIFE’s wonderful missionaries and ask how you can pray for them in this season.

As you take the High Holy Day challenge, we want to wish you L’shana tovah (unto a good year) in 5781!


Written by Dan Strull, Life in Messiah Board Chair


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