A Burden Lifted

While on the streets of New York handing out materials regarding the promised Messiah, a woman approached me. “I can’t possibly keep 613 laws. It’s too burdensome.”

Being a newbie, I wasn’t quite sure how to respond but my mouth opened anyways. “You are right, no one can.... But I believe the Messiah has come, and we know He brings a New Covenant. And did you know this covenant has only two commandments?” 

Her eyes softened, and I saw a figurative weight lifted off her shoulders. “Can this really be true?”

I continued “Absolutely, and here they are: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ And the second one: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”[1]

Soon after she disappeared into the crowd. 

 To this day, I have no idea who this woman was or if I’ll even see her again. All I know is she touched my life as I hope I touched hers. The look in her face was priceless. To see the Law’s heavy, burdensome weight lifted off her, to be replaced by a look of hope, was a beautiful thing to behold. 

As a Gentile, I have never experienced the full weight of the Law. Never having to turn down a bacon cheeseburger; ritually cleansing every month; buying my clothes from special stores where they don’t mix textiles; fasting on certain days on the calendar; and the list goes on. 

The Lord ushered me into a life of freedom and grace, leaving my sin-cursed life behind, bypassing the blessed Mosaic Law along with its impossibly strict commands. 

Thinking of my Jewish friends, seeking to daily uphold 613 laws seems exhausting to say the least. I know the Law is good,[2] sweeter than honey,[3] but it was for a time and to point us to the Messiah.[4]

Will you join me in sharing this life-giving message with your Jewish friends? We have such great news! News that their yoke has been made easy and their burden light[5] should they receive Yeshua as their Jewish Messiah. 

Written by Stephanie, Life in Messiah Staff

1)      What burden do you need the Lord to lift today?

2)      What’s preventing you from sharing this burden-lifting message of grace and forgiveness with your neighbor/coworker today?

3)      If you are striving to keep the Law today, have you investigated the claims of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah? Check out In Search of Shalom for resources and even to chat anonymously.


[1] Matthew 22:35-40.

[2] Psalm 19:7.

[3] Psalm 19:9-10, Psalm 119:103.

[4] Galatians 3:34. Hebrews 7:18-19. Hebrews 10.

[5] Matthew 11:28-30.


Poetic Prophecy

