Don’t Wait to Be Pushed


A terrified child stands glued to the edge of the pool, deaf to the loving encouragement of her mom. “Jump, Sweetie! I’ll catch you; I promise. You’ll love it!” Minutes pass, marked by the rhythm of dueling wills.

“Jump, Sweetie, jump! You’ll love it.”

“No, I’m scared.”

Focused only on her fear, the child does not sense the quiet presence standing behind her. With a whisper of encouragement in her ear and a gentle but firm push, he sends his beloved daughter sprawling into the water…right into her waiting mother’s arms.

In an instant the fear that held the beloved child immobile gives way to transcendent joy, “I did it! I did it! Can we do it again?”

Isn’t this a wonderful picture of life?

How often do we find ourselves standing immobilized at the edge of some God-prescribed obedience, the outcome of which is uncertain to us, and the execution of which is overwhelming, too much effort, or simply something we don’t feel like doing.

All the while, the Lord is gently calling to us through His Word, “Jump, my beloved child. I’ll catch you. I promise.” To which our hearts reply, “I’m scared,” or “It will hurt,” or “It’s too hard,” or the too-familiar, “I can’t” (the coward’s way of saying “I won’t”).

Sometimes we choose to jump. More often our fear (the polite way of saying “unbelief”) compels His loving, compassionate push. Either way, once immersed in the act we find ourselves buoyed by God’s grace, thrilled by the plunge.

Jumping into God’s grace energizes our lives as believers. Eternal life begins only when we leave the edge of the pool. “By grace you have been saved through faith…” (Ephesians 2:8) and daily abundance is found in trusting His outstretched arms. “…Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Let’s encourage one another to jump into God’s grace and not wait to be pushed! The rewards far surpass the risks, especially when it comes to sharing the gospel with Jewish people.

Israel’s Fall Feasts are a great time to take the plunge. Here are some ideas:

  1. Send a Rosh Hashanah greeting card to wish your friend a healthy New Year.

  2. Bake or buy a traditional Jewish cake or dessert featuring apples and honey.

  3. Ask your friend questions about how he or she observes the holy days, and what makes this time meaningful for them.

  4. Invite a Life in Messiah field worker to join you and your friend for coffee or a meal, but be up front about it!

  5. Ask if you can join your friend for a meal or cup of coffee in a sukkah (booth or temporary tabernacle) during Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles).

Don’t wait to be pushed!

Written by Dan, Life in Messiah board chair


Jacob’s Sight

