The Sheep and the Dogs

There once was a happy sheep who lived on a hillside farm. The little sheep had everything he wanted: a kind owner, plenty of food, a place to sleep, and a 40-acre pasture to explore. There were only a few rules he had to abide by. No biting. No going near the fence with his wool coat. And no venturing to the other side of the pasture.

One day, the sheep decided to visit the farthest edge of the pasture. Upon reaching the edge, he could just barely make out another farm in the distance. His owner’s words ran through his mind, “Do not leave the pasture.”

Smoke was rising from the chimney, just like his own farm. Perhaps there are undiscovered delights at this new farm? thought the sheep.

He ventured under the barbed wire fence. Just as his owner had warned, the sheep’s wool got caught on the fence and he left some of his beautiful white coat stuck to it. 

As he neared the farm, he noticed some dogs. Wow! he thought to himself, perhaps these dogs will be my new friends.

The dogs appeared friendly. But once he began to speak with them, he realized the dogs were mean. They were short-tempered, often barking and biting. They lacked the grace his owner displayed. The sheep could not understand why the dogs did not like him. His owner had always told him how special he was and how much he loved him. 

After several visits with the dogs, the sheep became sad. He just did not know how to get the dogs to like him.

One day, the sheep accused the dogs of being mean and pointed out their mistreatment. Caught off guard by the sheep’s boldness, the dogs responded very bluntly: “We don’t understand you. We are dogs, just doing what dogs do. You are a stupid weak sheep. You act just like your owner, whom we despise.”

The sheep was dumbfounded as to why the dogs hated his owner. His owner was kind. His owner provided for him. His owner was very loving. And yet, the dogs hated his owner – and rejected him.

This simple allegory, reminds us of Jesus’ words as recorded by John: 

"If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. However, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you" (John 15:18-19).

If you are a disciple of Jesus, it is futile to try to get the world to like you. The world operates in vastly different ways from how God instructs believers to think and behave.

Believers should not expect, or desire, a warm embrace from the world. Why? Because the world is incapable of a warm embrace. It wants to embrace you for its own purposes, not because it loves you. Then, just when you believe you have earned the world’s embrace, you find yourself being choked.

Upon realizing you were tricked, you will spend much time and energy trying to free yourself. Finally, if you find release from the world’s chokehold, the world will mock you and laugh at you for allowing such a thing to happen.

Then, the plot for another embrace begins. "I've changed," says the world. "I've become more decent, reasonable, and enlightened."

But the world, like dogs, will never accept the sheep for who they are.

Of course, that is no surprise. In the final days of His earthly ministry, Jesus told his disciples there would come a day when they would be killed and mistreated by the world (John 16:1-4).

But in that same setting He also gave this instruction to His followers: “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Jesus also promised blessing for those who suffer for His name’s sake.

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:11-12).

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

 Written by Levi, Executive Director

(1)  In what ways are you seeking the world’s embrace?

(2)  Are you willing to be hated by the world for His sake?

(3)  In what ways does your identification with Jesus result in your rejection by the world?

(4)  Is there a hurting or straying sheep in your life who needs your encouragement today?



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