“Where Do I Go from Here?”

Recently a woman named *Pauline called to ask if she could stop by Life in Messiah’s home office. “I need help!” she said.

Upon arrival, Pauline sat with LIFE’s finance officer, Wanda, and me. With delight, Pauline told us of a "chance encounter" she’d had earlier that week. A bit rushed for time, she had chosen to grab lunch at a local fast-food place she normally doesn't frequent.

As she was entering, Pauline had noticed a 30-something man scurrying across the wintry parking lot toward the restaurant. She held the door open for him with a smile. He thanked her and they engaged in easy conversation while waiting in line.

Pauline, old enough to be the man’s mother, showed genuine interest and kindness – so much so that he invited Pauline to join him at one of the tables so their chat could continue. When they sat to eat, he introduced himself. *Frank then asked if she'd like to pray for the meal. He assumed she was a Christian!

They had a great conversation over lunch. Frank readily told Pauline about his Jewish upbringing. Like many of his generation, while his grandfather and father had been active in synagogue, Frank is “religiously nonobservant.” He married a gentile girl; they aren't attending services anywhere.

“But I believe in God,” he stated.

Frank readily gave his contact info for further communication. And that's what brought Pauline to us. "Where do I go from here? I have a strong sense that there was a purpose in our meeting."

We agreed with Pauline: their meeting was divinely orchestrated, not by chance. She’s already taken the most important first step by representing the Lord in a loving way. Frank was not “turned off” by her identifying as a follower of the Lord Jesus. Indeed, he seemed intrigued to know more, especially when she told of her love for the Jewish people.

So what counsel would YOU give Pauline?

Here’s what we told her (in summary form – we talked for an hour!):

  • “There’s no substitute for being controlled by the Holy Spirit.” Just as the Lord arranged for their paths to cross and for Frank to want to continue the discussion, so He has a plan for the future. So – pray for wisdom and trust Him to guide! (Saving souls is God’s job; we’re just His messengers.)

  • If Frank indeed wants to get together, find a time and place to meet. Perhaps his wife, who comes from the same religious background as Pauline, would want to join the conversation.

  • Ask clarifying questions to ascertain where they are spiritually and what their perceived needs or questions may be. For example, Frank has already alluded to the challenge of raising kids in this world with its evils. As a mom of grown kids, Pauline has much to share of how the Lord helped her.

  • Look for conversational bridges to spiritual things. (Pauline already showed adeptness at this.)

  • Be prepared to share the gospel, preferably from a perspective with which Frank can relate. Even secular Jews have a strong sense of Jewish identity. Since Messiah was promised to Israel we have the tremendous advantage of using the same prophetic pointers God gave to the Hebrew prophets to identify the Promised One.

We assured Pauline that we are an available resource. Her visit was not a distraction from the office work we do. Equipping believers to share their faith with Jewish friends has been a central purpose of Life in Messiah since our founding in 1887. (And no, I wasn’t around back then.)

Among the literature Wanda gave Pauline to take home from her visit with us was a L’Chaim tract which presents the gospel from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). We also encouraged her to read LIFE’s ebook, Reaching Jewish People for Messiah, freely available at Life in Messiah’s website. The ebook provides a solid introduction, with numerous additional resources suggested.

Pauline was energized when she first arrived – and positively enthusiastic when she left. Before we parted, Wanda lifted up Pauline in prayer, asking God for His wisdom and empowerment. And she included Frank and his family, seeking the Spirit’s work in preparing their hearts to hear and receive the good news of salvation through faith in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel.

Would you join us in that prayer, please? And thank the Lord for His continuing work in arranging “divine appointments” for His prepared vessels.

Written by Wes, LIFE Global Ambassador

1. How eager are you to testify of God’s saving grace in your life?

2. How prepared are you to share your faith when opportunities arise?

3. Would you be interested to know how to more effectively present the gospel to Jewish people? Feel free to download your free copy of Reaching Jewish People for Messiah from https://lifeinmessiah.org/ebooks. We’ll be happy to answer questions you may have.


Scribbling in the Dark


Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day