Armageddon: Stage Four
Why are Jewish believers already outside the city of Jerusalem when the antichrist invades? Where are the Jewish believers at during this perilous time? What does the prophet Daniel have to say about this fourth stage? We answer these questions and more on this episode of The TŌV Podcast!
Armageddon: Stage Three
Levi Hazen continues his study of Armageddon in this part three by examining Zechariah 12 and the future invasion of Jerusalem by the antichrist and his armies.
Armageddon: Stage Two
What happens after the armies of the antichrist assemble in the Jezreel Valley? Levi Hazen explains the destruction that will come to a particular city as God's judgment is poured on it in the Tribulation Period.
Armageddon: Stage One
Many people have heard of Armageddon. But few people know what the details of this war are: Who is involved? Where does it take place? When will it take place? In this episode, Levi Hazen presents the first stage, the gathering of armies.
The Timing of Messiah's Arrival [Part 3]
In the events foretold in Daniel 9, there’s a centuries-long gap between the Messiah’s first coming and the events of the 70thweek. In this third episode on Daniel 9, Levi Hazen unravels the details.
The Timing of Messiah's Arrival [Part 2]
With an understanding of the biblical Hebrew calendar and language, we can calculate the precise date of the Messiah’s first coming, as foretold in Daniel 9. Discover the accuracy of this prophecy in part two of this three part series!
The Timing of Messiah's Arrival [Part 1]
We’re not meant to understand Daniel 9, are we? It’s intentionally vague, right? Wrong! Levi provides three keys for interpreting Daniel 9 to determine the timing of Messiah’s first coming.
The Rapture Part II: The Timing
Pre-, Post-, Mid-Tribulation – with so many opinions about the timing of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation, which one do we choose? Levi Hazen turns to the Word to bring clarity to this question.
The Rapture Part I: Evidence & Explanation
Where do Christians get the idea of a “Rapture” when this word never appears in the Bible? Levi Hazen explains the theology behind this important end-times event and whom it concerns.
Demystifying the Millennial Kingdom: The Length
Messiah on the throne and Satan bound: In this final installment of the Millennial Kingdom series, we learn exactly how long the future Millennial Kingdom will be!
Demystifying the Millennial Kingdom: The Lifestyle
Long life, gentle carnivores, a peaceful and prosperous Jerusalem. In this episode, we examine several passages that depict life in the Millennial Kingdom!
Demystifying the Millennial Kingdom: The Location
In this third installment of the series, we cover passages from Zechariah 14, Isaiah 27, and Ezekiel 40–48, which indicate the location and capital of the coming Millennial Kingdom.
Demystifying the Millennial Kingdom: The Timeline
In episode two of our Millennial Kingdom series, join Levi Hazen to explore the Bible passages that place the Millennial Kingdom after the Lord's return but before eternity future.
Demystifying the Millennial Kingdom: The Evidence
Of the two dominant views on the millennial kingdom, one is more plausible than the other. Levi Hazen kicks off a new season of The TŌV Podcast with a survey of what the Bible says about the millennial kingdom and some supporting scriptures for a future, millennial reign of the Messiah on Earth.
An Overview of the Davidic Covenant
Growing out of the Abrahamic Covenant, God's unconditional promises to David and his descendants are crucial to understand if we want to grasp the overall storyline of the Bible. Join us as we explore the Davidic Covenant and how it points to a greater Son of David!
4 Reasons to Study Bible Prophecy
Why should we study Bible prophecy? It's an important question! In this episode we discuss four solid reasons why this is a priority.
How Will We Know?
In this episode, we explore the question: How will we know if the Messiah comes?
Old VS New: Distinctions Between The Covenants
Join us as we explore the differences and similarities between the Mosaic Covenant and the New Covenant.
Ezekiel 37 Explained
Chapter 37 is one of the most popular passages in Ezekiel. The imagery of dry bones coming to life is often used to describe a new spiritual life. But WHAT or WHO is the Ezekiel vision actually referring to?
Should I Study Bible Prophecy?
Isn't Bible prophecy something that we should just stay away from? How much of the Bible is prophecy? How should I interpret prophetic passages? Levi Hazen answers these questions and more on this episode of the TOV podcast.