An Overview of the Davidic Covenant
Growing out of the Abrahamic Covenant, God's unconditional promises to David and his descendants are crucial to understand if we want to grasp the overall storyline of the Bible. Join us as we explore the Davidic Covenant and how it points to a greater Son of David!
Why Did Jesus Leave?
In John 16, Jesus tells His disciples they are going to be left to a world that hates them. In fact, people will kill some of them for their beliefs. But Jesus also promises that His leaving would be to their advantage. How is His leaving to the believers advantage? Join us as we explore John 16 and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Israel's Future: Ezekiel 36 Explained
What does God have in store for Israel's future? Will they always remain scattered all over the world? Will they ever be rejoined to the God of Israel in a personal relationship? Ezekiel 36 overflows with the the hope of spiritual and physical restoration for Israel and her people. Join Levi Hazen as he leads us in a study of this important chapter.
Genesis 12: Blessing, Curse, or Coincidence?
God promises in Genesis 12:3 that He will bless those who bless, and curse those who curse Abraham and his descendants. What does that mean and how does that look?
The Future Glorious Jerusalem: Part II
Isaiah's vision of One with blood-soaked garments coming from Edom is striking! Who is this divine figure and what is His purpose?
The Future Glorious Jerusalem: Part I
Levi Hazen explores Isaiah's depiction of a renewed, restored and repentant Jerusalem in 60-66.
Gog & Magog: Part II
What happens when a horde of armies invade the land of Israel in an end of days battle? Join us for Gog & Magog: Part II as we explore Ezekiel 39, one verse at a time.
Gog & Magog: Part I
Did you know that Ezekiel 38 & 39 describe a future, end-times invasion of Israel? Join Levi Hazen and Dave Zirkle for a thrilling verse by verse study of this important battle in Ezekiel 38!
4 Reasons to Study Bible Prophecy
Why should we study Bible prophecy? It's an important question! In this episode we discuss four solid reasons why this is a priority.
Esther & Antisemitism: The Root, The Record & The Rise
Wes Taber leads us through a study of Esther as we discuss the satanic roots of the world's oldest hatred, the church's edicts through the ages and the alarming rise of antisemitism today.
15 Fast Facts About Heaven
What will the New Jerusalem be like? We explore Revelation 21 to get accurate and encouraging information about the believer's future!
Psalm 2: The Installation of the King
Levi Hazen explores Psalm 2 and its connections to Psalm 1.
The Readiness Parables
In this episode, we explore 3 parables about being ready for the Lord's return.
The Faith of Abraham
Levi Hazen explores the faith of a man who dared to believe the unbelievable.
The Book of Nahum: Part III
Wes Taber and Levi Hazen continue an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of the book of Nahum. Part III of III.
The Book of Nahum: Part II
Continuing a study of Nahum, chapter 2 gives an aerial view of the destruction of Nineveh. It's a sobering picture of the consequences of Nineveh’s return to wickedness after Jonah’s time. Part 2 of 3
The Book of Nahum: Part I
Returning guest, Wes Taber, joins the show for an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of the Book of Nahum! Part I of III.
The Future Battle for Jerusalem
In this episode, we explore the future, end of days battle over Jerusalem as described by Zechariah 14. What will happen to the Holy City? Will God play any part in this climactic battle?
Romans 11: Verse by Verse
Levi Hazen leads us through Romans 11, a chapter that must be understood by all believers.