Why Do Jewish People Put Stones On Graves?

Have you ever noticed stones placed on a grave at a cemetery?⁠

This is actually a very popular Jewish custom. There is a bit of a superstitious rationale behind this, as some people believe the stones "keep the soul down" and "help the dead stay put." ⁠

Yet, there is much significance of stones in Scripture (such as altars), not to mention the Kotel (Western Wall) is made of stones! ⁠

Isaiah 40:6b-7a reads: "All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades . . . ."⁠

While flowers can be a lovely way to pay respect, they can also be viewed as a symbol of passing. Yet, stones never die and their symbol is lasting. ⁠

Pray the Jewish people around the world will come to know their Messiah. And that as they lay stones on the graves of loved ones, they have assurance . . . assurance and hope that when they themselves pass, stones will not hold their souls in place. Rather, through faith in Messiah Jesus, may they have confidence that their souls will someday cross from death to eternal life! ⁠

Our purpose in sharing these tidbits is not to imply that these traditions have to be followed by believers in Jesus/Messianic Jews, but in order to help others better learn about and understand their Jewish neighbors and friends so that they can better build bridges and connections with them.


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